Which side do you fight for?

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I apologize if this topic has been done to death. still, I get the feeling that most people fight for the Vaegirs, because they A) have a much nobler sounding name, and B) when you start out, the river is between you and the Swadians.

Anyway, I ride for the Vaegirs.
Right now it's been stay neutral or (with one character) vaegirs. I might try swadians with another character. Though the idea of kiciking seserter's butts and tangling with packs of 30+ crosbowmen i a bit of a turn-off.
Well i fight for Vaegirs but i have a full army of 43 Swadian Knights. Why? well Vaegirs Knight do not ride horses and Swadian knights do. Plus Swadian knights wear plate armor and ride best horses (Charger).

I wanted to change side but its too late for me since i have the rank of Squire with Vaegirs and trust me to get that rank its not easy.
Vaegir Knights do ride horses, though... :razz:

I fight for the Swadians presently because their armies of sharpshooters are utterly fantastic. Hold position, let the enemy come, and riddle them with bolts before hacking them to the ground when they get close. Fight as an infantryman alongside your men, and be a true soldier.

Quite excellent battles result from this - including some memorable fights against Khergit horsemen with scores of Khergits circling a shrinking huddle of Swadians... But I always win in the end. :razz: I took on a 78-man Vaegir War Party with my 31 men (various types of crossbowman) and won, with the loss of only 11 men (to the final waves of Vaegirs, composed entirely of knights). This was on the largest battle size.
Well, hold on. I just upgraded all my guys to knights, and indeed, they were all on foot. It may be because I used a cheat code? It was quite dissapointing, actually. I wanted to lead a gigantic cavalry charge or two before going back and playing the game normally. So what's going on? Are Vaegir knights supposed to be mounted or not? If not...that hardly seems fair. The Swadians already have the better armor.
They are normaly mounted - horsemens and knights are the two vaegir mounted troops.

Vaegirs knights are no slouch in battle - they might lack a bit in armor, but their fondnes for two-handed axes means they pack a nasty punch to make up for it.
I roll with Vaegirs, yo! When some busta' flashes his Swadian gang colours, I bust on his ass, Bruce Lee style, you know what I'm sayin'? For shizzle!
Tally Ho Swadians.

We'll meet those Vaegirs head on. Post Haste. We'll beat them off with our horde of mechanical horses.

Cheerio Lads.
At this point there's not much a difference atg all between the two factions so it doesn't matter which side your join. I went with swadians because their town names sound better.
I went with Swadians, myself. I just prefer the knightly types to the lice-ridden, fur-wearing, horn helmeted backwater barbarians.
slowly filling up my ranks with dark knights and dark hunters :grin:

guess that makes me a Dark Commander :grin: BAHAHAH
Loki Liesmith said:
I apologize if this topic has been done to death. still, I get the feeling that most people fight for the Vaegirs, because they A) have a much nobler sounding name, and B) when you start out, the river is between you and the Swadians.

Anyway, I ride for the Vaegirs.

After Swadian deserters burned my village, I swore vengeance.

My Vaegir knights and horsemen have made the Swadians pay tenfold. :smile:
Manu said:
Right now it's been stay neutral or (with one character) vaegirs. I might try swadians with another character. Though the idea of kiciking seserter's butts and tangling with packs of 30+ crosbowmen i a bit of a turn-off.

Wait till they become sharpshooters... They'll kill everything sent their way.
I joined Vaegir's, simply because the name sounded better. Plus, I find it much easier to kick Swadian butt. And Swadian is such a lame sounding name, however you pronounce it (I do : s-war-dee-an). The river influenced me too :grin:. It's easier to get to neutral territory without getting pounded on.
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