Which serial killer are you?

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Ed Gein

Gein's desolate farmhouse was a study in chaos. Inside, junk and rotting garbage covered the floor and counters. It was almost impossible to walk through the rooms. The smell of filth and decomposition was overwhelming. While the local sheriff, Arthur Schley, inspected the kitchen with his flashlight, he felt something brush against his jacket.
When he looked up to see what it was he ran into, he faced a large, human carcass hanging upside down from the beams.


Your personality type matches the criminal profile of Ed Gein. Bizarre handicraft made Eddie into a celebrity. Author Robert Bloch was inspired to write a story about Norman Bates, a character based on Eddie, which became the central theme of the Alfred Hitchcock's classic thriller Psycho.

In 1974, the classic thriller by Tobe Hooper, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, has many Geinian touches, although there is no character that is an exact Eddie Gein model. This movie helped put "Ghastly Gein" back in the spotlight in the mid-1970's.

Years later, Eddie provided inspiration for the character of another serial killer, Buffalo Bill in The Silence of the Lambs. Like Eddie, Buffalo Bill treasured women's skin and wore it like clothing in some insane transvestite ritual.

While shocked deputies searched through the rubble of Eddie Gein's existence, they realized that the horrible discoveries didn't end at the missing Mrs. Worden's body. They had stumbled into a death farm.

The funny-looking bowl in his home was actually the top of a human skull. The lampshades and wastebasket were made from human skin.

A ghoulish inventory began to take shape: an armchair made of human skin, female genitalia kept preserved in a shoebox, a belt made of nipples, a human head, four noses and a heart.

The more the looked through the house, the more ghastly trophies they found. Finally a suit made entirely of human skin. Their heads spun as they tried to tally the number of woman that may have died at Eddie's hands.

While you may or may not be capable of performing the horrific acts he did, you loosely resemble (with some obvious exceptions) his criminal profile based upon your general motivations, preferences and behavior patterns.
Jeffrey Dahmer
Your personality matches Criminal Profile 4081656.
What the Police missed in the apartment bedroom was the body of Tony Hughes, whose decomposing corpse had lain for three days on the bed.

What they missed was the blond man immediately strangling the Asian boy and having sex with his corpse.

What they missed were the photos that the blond man took of the dead boy, the subsequent dismemberment of his body, and the cleaning up of his skull to be kept as a trophy.


Your personality type matches the criminal profile of Jeffrey Dahmer. While Dahmer had fantasies about killing men and having sex with their corpses as early as age fourteen, he didn't do anything about it until just after he graduated high school in June of 1978. He picked up a hitchhiker named Steven Hicks when he was living with his parents in the upscale community of Bath, Ohio. They had sex and drank beer, but then Hicks wanted to leave. Dahmer couldn't stand the idea of Hicks leaving, so he struck him in the head with a barbell and killed him.

Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer, necrophiliac, cannibal and psychopath. He did not take pleasure in inflicting pain upon his victims. Instead, he longed for undeniable, everlasting devotion. He was comfortable with his homosexuality, but not with rejection, conflict or other aspects of human interaction. In this regard, he did not desire interaction at all; he needed total possession. While you may or may not be capable of performing the horrific acts he did, you loosely resemble (with some obvious exceptions) his criminal profile based upon your general motivations, preferences and behavior patterns.

Yeah, I've got you pretty well figured out by now.
You're into my style, so check out my fashion.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer, necrophiliac, cannibal and psychopath.
Yeap, that's me. (Except I don't do boys :roll: ).
David Berkowitz
Your personality matches Criminal Profile 4081639.
"I am deeply hurt by your calling me a woman hater. I am not. But I am a monster. I am the 'Son of Sam.' I am a little brat.

When father Sam gets drunk he gets mean. He beats his family. Sometimes he ties me up to the back of the house. Other times he locks me in the garage. Sam loves to drink blood.

'Go out and kill,' commands father Sam."


Your personality type matches the criminal profile of David Berkowitz: Son of Sam.

He was always big for his age and always felt different and less attractive than his peers. All through his youth he was uncomfortable with other people. He did have one sport, baseball, which he played well.

His neighbors remember him as a nice-looking boy but with a violent streak, a bully who assaulted neighborhood kids for no apparent reason. He was hyperactive and very difficult for Pearl and Nat to control.

Even before the murders began, David had set some 1,488 fires in the city of New York and kept a diary of each one. He was acting out a control fantasy.

His landlords owned a noisy dog that howled frequently. The neighborhood dogs howled back. In David's diseased mind demons lived within the dogs and their howling was the way they ordered David to go hunting for blood; the blood of pretty young women.

Berkowitz was driven to the edge: "I'd come home to Coligni avenue like at six-thirty in the morning. It would begin then, the howling. On my days, off, I heard it all night, too. It made me scream. I used to scream out begging for the noise to stop. It never did.

"The demons never stopped. I couldn't sleep. I had no strength to fight. I could barely drive. Coming home from work one night, I almost killed myself in the car. I needed to sleep....The demons wouldn't give me any peace."

He killed half a dozen people and wounded several others as a result of his madness.

While you may or may not be capable of performing the horrific acts he did, you loosely resemble (with some obvious exceptions) his criminal profile based upon your general motivations, preferences and behavior patterns.

Yeek, I got Dahmer

I swear, you have sex with one corpse, you get tagged for life :roll:
Gein, 37% higher, looks like I might be *slightly* safe from a complete breakdown of normality. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
David Berkowitz
(the son of sam)

aparently he heared dogs howling and was convined they where posessed with demons, and their howling was a message ordering him to hunt for the blood of atractive woman

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 9% on WhichKillerRU

I would never kill an atractive woman tough, who'd waste something as fine as an atractive woman?
John Wayne Gacy
Your personality matches Criminal Profile 4081661.
Later the next morning, Ringall awoke from one of his blackouts fully clothed and under a statue in Chicago's Lincoln Park. He was surprised to be alive after the trauma that was inflicted on his body. He made his way to his girlfriend's and later to the hospital where he stayed for six days. During his hospital stay, Ringall reported the incident to the police who were sceptical about finding his rapist, given the little information that Ringall could provide. Along with skin lacerations, burns and permanent liver damage caused from the chloroform, Ringall suffered severe emotional trauma.

Yet, he was fortunate to be alive. Ringall was one of the few victims of John Wayne Gacy, Jr. to have survived. During a three-year-period, Gacy went on to viciously torture, rape and murder more than thirty other young men, who would later be discovered under the floorboards of his home and in the local river.


Your personality type matches the criminal profile of John Wayne Gacy. On Friday, December 22, 1978, he confessed to police that he killed at least thirty people and buried most of the remains of the victims beneath the crawl space of his house. According to the book Killer Clown: The John Wayne Gacy Murders by Sullivan and Maiken, Gacy said that, "his first killing took place in January, 1972, and the second in January, 1974, about a year and a half after his marriage." He further confessed that he would lure his victims into being handcuffed and then he would sexually assault them. To muffle the screams of his victims, he would stuff a sock or underwear into their mouths and kill them by pulling a rope or board against their throats, as he raped them. Gacy admitted to sometimes keeping the dead bodies under his bed or in the attic for several hours before eventually burying them in the crawl space.

John Wayne Gacy embodied one of the most extreme forms of cruelty ever to surface in American society. He hated and dehumanized his victims while struggling with his own self-loathing and homosexual tendencies. No amount of power over the young men of his choosing could control the hatred he felt for himself. While you may or may not be capable of performing the horrific acts he did, you loosely resemble (with some obvious exceptions) his criminal profile based upon your general motivations, preferences and behavior patterns.

Yeah, I've got you pretty well figured out by now.
You're into my style, so check out my fashion.

Fear me :twisted:
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