Which do you like better...

Crossbows or bows

  • Crossbow

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  • Bow

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  • Throwing stuff!

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I don't know if this is still open but,


and I voted for crossbows... or throwing (whatever character I had at the time).
I love throwing weapons. They have several nice advantages over bows and crossbows:

1) You can throw a whole lot of things in a short period of time. The refire rate is definitely faster than with a bow and MUCH, much faster than with a crossbow.

2) The damage gets extremely high as you increase your strength, throwing skill, and power throw. I've broken 300 damage when using throwing axes. You can't even approach that with crossbows or bows.

3) Usable with a shield! You can block an archer's arrow with your shield and immediately retaliate by planting a javelin in his eyesocket.

4) Easy to use from horseback.

5) Only ranged weapon that you can use with one weapon slot only. For bows and crossbows, you have to take up at least two weapon slots (one for the bow and one for the arrows). My personal favorite loadout is a one handed weapon, a two handed weapon, a shield, and a stack of throwing daggers.

6) Don't need to wait for the crosshair to shrink: See enemy. Throw axe. Watch enemy suffer.

7) Satisfaction. There's nothing better than charging into battle on a horse and planting an axe / javelin in the forehead of some poor soldier.

:cool: Does not become more inaccurate the longer you hold back your mouse button down, unlike with bows.
I can't vote yet... Why? Let's see:

1 - I have tried both crossbow and bow (No throwing weapons yet)

2 - After using both, I realized they have both good and bad things. While crossbows deal a lot of damage, they can't be reloaded while mounted. Bows, doing less damage, can be used in the same fashion mounted and by foot.

So? I need to make my mind first, before voting ^_^
Well, its a matter of opinion as to which one prefers, but not so much with what is most useful.

1. Crossbows - They are mainly good early to mid game. Since you can't assign points to increase their damage, they start to pale in comparison to bows later on. Combine that with the fact that they can't be fired from horseback and they become pretty crappy late game unless you have a large party to defend you.
2. Bows - Generally the best weapon for an archer character. You'll be dealing enormous amounts of damage once you max out your powerdraw skill which adds a total of 80% to your damage. Making use of the bow while mounted (mounted archer) makes you virtually invincible.
3. Throwing Weapons - These were IMO intended to be used more as backup weapons rather than just going all out with them as their ammo is rather limiting. Throwing axes deal far more damage than any other projectile weapon over time as they can be thrown in rapid succession.

In short, if you're trying to make an archer character, the bow is vastly superior to the crossbow in the longrun. But throwing weapons make better backup weapons if you're planning on going primarily melee IMO.
I think they're all very well balanced, and I voted for throwing weapons for the exact reasons that leo has already outlined (though he didn't mention the disadvantage- low ammunition).

Throwing weapons are good from the start and stay good throughout your entire career. You can't really go wrong with them.

Bows are anywhere from terrible to average (depending on the actual players skill with them) at the start and godly at higher skill levels. They take a lot of practice but pay off like no other.

Crossbows are great, impractical if you're soloing, but priceless if your army's doing all the fighting and you're picking off the stray puppies. Their accuracy and range allow for some insane shots. But they're more of a support weapon where throwing and bows are good all around.

EDIT: Dang it, 4 minutes too late :mad:
Yeah, I found crossbows useful for my character mainly when she was starting out. I went Court Lady, and having a crossbow when I was mounted was an easy way to kill one enemy from a distance before closing. Made taking on those river pirate parties just that little bit easier.
If you are planning to be a melle guy, go throwing.

As for being a missile person,

Crossbow is good for the very beginning due to accuracy, but the rate of fire is horrible.
Bow is quite bad in the beginning, but at higher skill levels, it is as accurate as crossbow but with a MUCH higher rate of fire. Bow is very good when you are on a fast horse: no one can get you.
Throwing weapons have too limited ammo...
I like using bows when I'm concentrating on ranged combat, throwing weapons for my melee chars and crossbows for NPCs. The idiots hardly ever fire, so the one or two shots they do get off may as well be crossbow bolts. Plus they don't really know how to use horse archery effectively, and don't make any use of the bows ability to reload while moving.
Throwing weapons have excellent ammo if you use daggers. At 30c, their damage is far from shabby and will mean a 1-hit KO if you strike enemies in the head or, indeed, as your skill gets better, you can hit a platemail-wearing knight in the foot and still kill in one hit a good part of the time.

Ammo efficiency:

1 slots:

Throwing daggers: 15. 15/slot
Bows: N/A.
Crossbows: N/A.

2 slots:

Throwing daggers: 30. 15/slot
Bows: 20. 10/slot
Crossbows: 20. 10/slot

3 slots:

Throwing daggers: 45. 15/slot
Bows: 40. 13.333/slot
Crossbows: 40. 13.333/slot

4 slots: Throwing daggers: 60. 15/slot
Bows: 60. 15/slot
Crossbows: 60. 15/slot


About the only disadvantage of throwing weapons is that they aren't accurate past medium range.
Well I think my set up might be a bit odd...lol. But I prefer the following.

Slot 1: 2 Handed Sword
Slot 2: Throwing Axes (or really any throwing weapon, just like the damage)
Slot 3: Bow
Slot 4: 25 Arrows.

Basically, I'm good at all ranges and can change strategy on the fly. Bow from long range unmounted, mount then circle and shoot off a few more shots. Then charge with throwing axes at medium range, then switch to 2-hander.

Pros: Very adapable. High Damage. Great for those who like both combat and leading from afar.

Cons: Rather weak vs ranged attacks.
I like all three.

In my early days, I loved xbows for long range shots.

Then, I played heavy knight character and found a throwing weapon to be perfect for that last weapon slot after lance, shield, and 2Her.

I finally tried a horse archer character and around lvl 25-30 became godly as nothing could touch me before being shot down. A 14.4 headshot sealed the deal.
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