Where's the update

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It isn't always exactly a month between updates. Sometimes they run into unexpected problems that need fixing before the update can ship, and sometimes they wait to release the update so it doesn't come out during a weekend, as they don't have anyone at the office to release hotfixes during the weekend.

More communication would be nice though.
I think they're trying to figure out more ways on how to really screw with the game's balance. They'll probably nerf the Sturgian Berserker just cuz he's at a good enough position to compensate for a "ragequit if you die as this unit" downside. A universal light archer buff that gives them the Looter perk is also likely.
I think they're trying to figure out more ways on how to really screw with the game's balance. They'll probably nerf the Sturgian Berserker just cuz he's at a good enough position to compensate for a "ragequit if you die as this unit" downside. A universal light archer buff that gives them the Looter perk is also likely.
True, I am also expecting to see elephants added this update
The next udate will be lacking content as the previous 2-3 updates, The only thing TW been doing lately is nerfing and messing with the few things that didn't need any change.
If we are lucky, today.
after that we should see beta test ( nearly after 1 hour) than public (after nearly 3 hours).

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