Where to get a trial of 3ds max?

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Where can I get a trial version of 3ds Max, or some other modleing program. I'm looking to try to create sheilds swords etc, to use in M&B, or atleast get some basic knowledge of modeling. Any help is greatly appreciated :grin:
Download Blender.
Its totaly free, good program and the devs used it creat this game.


Here some tutorials


and some video tutorials

Yeah there are all kinds of 3d apps out there, ranging in cost from free to 1000s of dollars, and from extremely basic to extremely complicated. Gmax seems to be good for simpler game mod models. Since that's one of your goals, and its free, you can't go wrong with it.

Personally, though, I missed too many features I took for granted from the full fledged 3dsmax when I tried gmax(don't ask me why I even tried it when I had 3dsm right there, guess I was just curious) .
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