Where should I buy the game?

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I'm new to the forum, but I've played mount & blade before. I really like the game and I want to buy it.
My question is, do I need steam to play online.
I've found out I can buy the game on some other store (Forgot the name now). If I buy it there, does it mean I can't play online?

I do not like steam, please don't ask me why.
But to play online, is it possible to play without using steam. If so, can I play on the same servers steam users play on?
You could always look at the stickied thread titled "general information and where to buy" which is currently 4 lines above this thread.

Here http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,225530.0.html
Wastipk said:
You could always look at the stickied thread titled "general information and where to buy" which is currently 4 lines above this thread.

Here http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,225530.0.html

That's exactly what I did and that was the reason I asked, because I don't know that if I buy it on somewhere else than Steam if I will be able to play the game on steam servers.
Best place is www.taleworlds.com , official developers' website. You can activate the key on Steam after buying it there, and yes. You can play on steam servers too.
Let me see.........you could buy it in the steam.  Yes,Steam!  A software made for playing games,I got the whole Mount&Blade's Games for 50% price off,Happy,and I've played the Mount&Blade Warband(Including the DLC:Napoleonic Wars) for over 330 hours,I'm an old player. And I advised you to buy it in the steam:grin: Sometimes it could be too cheap,but you need to wait the chance when the price's down,then seize it:grin:  Good luck!
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