Where is the "Physical" manual for this game??

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I bought this game at the local Best Buy and was hoping for a nice thick manual to go along with it.  Instead I get a box with just a key and that's it.  There is an electronic manual, but I want the physical one?  Where can I get it?  Why does the game not come with one in the U.S.?

guilemaster said:
I do not believe physical copies were made. I'm fairly sure they weren't. Saves trees you know.

It also saves you some cash. Though I wish there was some sort of limited edition where I get free extra stuff inside the box.
Kleidophoros said:
I also have a manual and a map. Manual is extremely outdated and map is half english half turkish and the actual game on the cd is the beta version .880 but yeah..
...Where you find a box with manual and Map...?
...do you have a cover image or what the name of the box....??

...i whant one... :cry:

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