where find / download maps and how use them?

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hi all, i noticed many servers use custom maps (very nice ones), where i can find maps to download and how "load" / use them in my game?

If you go into "my documents" (not literally mine :grin:) then mount and blade warband, scene obj those are the scene files. Make a copy of native called map pack or something and overwrite existing multiplayer scenes then in to the scene obj.
If you don't understand say something and I will give a more in-depth tutorial
i'm sorry, i fear i still need help :smile:

i found the files in my documents, but now i'm not sure what i have to do now.
a backup copy of the whole game has been made, but what i have to overwrite with the files taken from my docuiments?


as a side note...there is a site where i can find maps to download for free? thanks!
There are a couple of map packs hanging around that you can download, Otreums for one. http://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=2292
But on another note to add the maps you downloaded:
make a copy of native in your module folder then get all the sco files you want, rename it to to multi_scene_1, (2 4 or 7) and paste them on to your desktop.
Now open up your native copy and then Scene_Obj and paste them in there. Start up your native copy and they should be under ruins, Village and whatnot. If you want to rename them then go to scripts.txt in native copy and Ctrl+F (search) for multi_scene_1 then next to it is what the game refers to them as, type in what you want in place of it eg. ruins becomes wercheg_cliffs and make sure you have these _ instead of spaces. Then hit save and the names should change in-game. This is mostly for testing purposes of course, to actually add them to native you need to go through a lot more than that. If you want I could direct you to a tutorial for adding them with the module system?
eh this time i think i understood it, the fact is that i intended use this for make as a server for 2 friends of mine coming next week to have a LAN game.
i mean i don't like the idea that i can screw my friend's game, on my PC is a thing, but on other people's PC is different.
so i suppose i have to explain this to them too....if there is a simpler way, it should be great, otherwise no problem, i will try that way !

really huge thanks for the help man!
You cant screw the game. Once you made a copy of native you use that and there is no way you can screw up the game only that module which you can always start again from scratch by making another copy of native. And they don't have to do it themselves you can just give them the native copy module and they put it in there modules. As long as you have the module named the same on all your computers it will work in multiplayer. Call it Map pack or something similar
ok i did it....and it does not work.

it seems the correct rename is like : " scn_multi_scene_1.sco " but this does not solve the problem...because in fact it loads a "new" map, but far different from the "original" (i mean the custom map i played online one). ground is messed, so are objects, all over the map, creating a strange mix between a terrain and object that seems really random.

so i think it's better try another method.

thanks anyway!

*as side note: where i can find helms deep v2 ? thanks!
Sorry I realised this afterwards. you need the terrain code. Go back into your documents>warband>sceneobj and underneath the map you wanted there will be a notepad. open this up and that is the code for it,
eg. scn_fantasy_pw fantasy_pw 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -1.000000 0x0000000330000000000d234800006b7900001d5e000009d3
The code I highlighted is the one you want. Now Copy that go into your native copy and open up scenes.txt. Ctrl+F for multi_scene_1 and replace its terrain code with the one for the map you added. It should now work
thanks man!

it works perfectly now!
just a couple of questions......it works only with the number you saied (1,2,4,7) or works with every (unlimited) number?
how for siege maps?

scn_multi_scene_1 - ruins
scn_multi_scene_2 - village
scn_multi_scene_3 - Hailes Castle (castle 1)
scn_multi_scene_4 - ruined fort
scn_multi_scene_5 - cant figure out
scn_multi_scene_6 - same ere 
scn_multi_scene_7 - field by the river
scn_multi_scene_8 - Rudkhan Castle (castle 2)
scn_multi_scene_9 - snowy villeage (in Mahud's case this is Naval Battle )
scn_multi_scene_10 - Turin Castle (castle 3)
scn_multi_scene_11 - nord town
scn_multi_scene_12 - port assault
scn_multi_scene_13 - Brunwald Castle (castle 4)
scn_multi_scene_14 - battle on ice
scn_multi_scene_15 - Mahdaar Castle (castle 5)
scn_multi_scene_17 - The Arena
also remember when you play a LAN game with your friends get your native copy and put it in there modules. It should work then. have fun! :grin:
EDIT: And as for scene 5 and 6 they are scenes that were made for warband but they were never released don't use them as you can't access them without enabling them in them module system
Here is a tutorial to ADD maps to the list http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,112508.0.html
It is a lot more complicated but it works better in the end.
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