Where can I get an awesome one handed weapon?

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I see a bunch of extremely expensive and powerful twohanders for sale (balanced jeweled swords and the like), but the best onehander I've found is the masterwork saber that I use at the moment.

Is that the best available weapon for my swordsman?  I'm looking for a onehander that can be used effectively from horseback.
balanced morningstar.  39 pierce, if I'm not mistaken.  Weapons with cut damage is fine against bandits, but for armored enemies, it's nice to have pierce.
Many here enjoy 1h/2h weapons such as the jeweled sword, knightly blade, the claymore, and the DK's longsword, but I doubt that is what your looking for.  The favorite one hander is the morning star, quickly followed by the masterwork scimitar.  I myself enjoy the morning star when the dark knights come along.
If he really wants a one and not one/two-handed weapon, than throwing spears would be a choice. If you know how to use them they're deadly in mid or close range.
The problem with those 1h/2h weapons is that they use 2h skill (though I guess I can just get that up).  They also seem quite slow compared to onehanders, despite what their stats suggest.  Is this true?
Well, not really  :wink:

The skill you need is determined by the way you use the sword: if you use it as a 1hd-weapon (together with a shield) it counts as a 1hd-weapon, and without shield as 2hd. (Never mind if from horseback or not, although you don't actually "see" a difference while swinging)

If you use the Balanced Knightly Blade as already suggested, I am sure you have the best available weapon with which you can use a shield simultaneously (=1hd. weapon). As far as I know cutting damage is around 45, speed is 130 or so and reach is 135. That's the best you can get. Speed 130 is as fast as the broken sword, and with 135 reach you can even outreach the Berserker Axes. :shock:

Try it, you'll love it  :mrgreen: :cool:
Joker86 said:
Well, not really  :wink:

The skill you need is determined by the way you use the sword: if you use it as a 1hd-weapon (together with a shield) it counts as a 1hd-weapon, and without shield as 2hd. (Never mind if from horseback or not, although you don't actually "see" a difference while swinging)

If you use the Balanced Knightly Blade as already suggested, I am sure you have the best available weapon with which you can use a shield simultaneously (=1hd. weapon). As far as I know cutting damage is around 45, speed is 130 or so and reach is 135. That's the best you can get. Speed 130 is as fast as the broken sword, and with 135 reach you can even outreach the Berserker Axes. :shock:

Try it, you'll love it  :mrgreen: :cool:

Your're faster than me. I was writing the same :razz:
Isn't there a ~30% drop in damage and speed when using a 1H/2H wepaon in 1H 'mode'?
But given the stats of some of these things, it doesn't really matter. For me at least.
Wellenbrecher said:
Your're faster than me. I was writing the same :razz:
Isn't there a ~30% drop in damage and speed when using a 1H/2H wepaon in 1H 'mode'?
But given the stats of some of these things, it doesn't really matter. For me at least.

Yeah, there is a 30% or 35% damage and speed penalty if you use the weapon one handed. But don't forget: 70% of 130 still is about 90, and 70% of 45 cutting damage still is about 30, which is as good as a one handed sword, but you still have the superior range of 135! That's perfect for horseback.

Btw: I don't feel any big difference between one handed and two handed usage - especially on horseback. On foot there is a small, tiny difference, if you use your sword two handed. But if you do so, the Balanced Knightly Blade is the uber sword of the game, it's near cheating (with good meele skills, of course!)
The balanced knightly blade is NOT the best weapon. I've found a claymore with 60 damage. 45 damage is NOTHING. Well, assuming that the stats didn't change from .580 to .582. Still need to update.

EDIT: The claymore is a one handed/two handed weapon, just to clarify.
For one hand weapons you want speed, a range that lets you cut things up from real close, and maybe good piercing damage if you can't get speed.  So the two just 1 handers mentioned earlier are about the best, which is a shame, I mean, you start out with a one hander in native, just to find out your weapon type is not very good :sad:.

Edit:  NOTHING here will help you against the dark knights
Edit2:  Actually, a speeding morning star can kill most of the dark ones in 1-2 blows, speeding as in a speeding on a spirited courser.
Mythos said:
The balanced knightly blade is NOT the best weapon. I've found a claymore with 60 damage. 45 damage is NOTHING. Well, assuming that the stats didn't change from .580 to .582. Still need to update.

EDIT: The claymore is a one handed/two handed weapon, just to clarify.

Damage isn't everything. Definetely not. And don't forget: you get speed bonus added to your damage, and next to your moving speed your striking speed is calculated as well. So a faster weapon will always do more damage than its stats tell.

Edit: high damage doesn't help anything if you don't reach the enemy or don't have the time to hit him. It's better to hit an opponent twice than having to parry each of his blows, always hoping that he will stop anytime and give you the tiny chance of striking him yourself.

If you had an 1 on 1 with Dranton in the arena early in the game you will know what I'm talking about  :wink:
Let's do a quick comparison:

Knightly Blade: Speed: 130  Length: 135  Swing: 41c  Thrust: 25p
Claymore:  Speed: 120  Length: 120  Swing: 62c  Thrust: 32p

So, It's a choice between speed + reach against raw power.  Personally, I'd go for raw power if I have good armor.  I have mediocre armor, I'd go for the knightly blade.

I still use a morningstar even when I have a claymore, because I find that the claymore is kind of awkward during sieges.
aquietfrog said:
Let's do a quick comparison:

Knightly Blade: Speed: 130  Length: 135  Swing: 41c  Thrust: 25p
Claymore:  Speed: 120  Length: 120  Swing: 62c  Thrust: 32p

So, It's a choice between speed + reach against raw power.  Personally, I'd go for raw power if I have good armor.  I have mediocre armor, I'd go for the knightly blade.

I still use a morningstar even when I have a claymore, because I find that the claymore is kind of awkward during sieges.

Against high tier troops like Paladins, Einherjars and Black Knights with Lady Lartkin at the top of this list, in fact nothing else is as important as weapon speed. And wepaon length is going to help you to keep those nightmare meele-opponents at distance, because they can knock you out with a single strike. Damage comes on third place. So I'm still not convinced.  :razz:
Well, I just don't really notice much of a difference in the speed of the two while I'm actually using them.  The reach doesn't really seem that drastic either. I'm not going to try to convince you the claymore is better, everyone has their own favorite weapon.
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