Where are the Triggers & Scripts?

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As I'm playing the game I see that a lot of the code from Native Warband is in the game but when I look through the files across the various folders I see definition info in the XML files; but I'm not seeing any code that references that info. Could someone point me where to look?

I found my answer here: https://github.com/Bannerlord-Modding/Documentation/blob/master/_intro/getting-started.md

We can't do any real modding until those files are exposed.
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Seconded. The documentation is still somewhat barren at the moment. I remember the dev blog talking about campaign vs mission behaviors and I can't wait to get access to those and make my own triggers/scripts.

Health regen, magical portals, reworked perks, etc etc.
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I had to decompile a mod I will remove the guy's code for his privacy but show you his structure how he adds a new behavior to the game...

namespace ExampleMod
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Helpers;
    using TaleWorlds.Core;
    using TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade;
    using TaleWorlds.Localization;
    using TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem;
    using TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Actions;

    public class MySubModule : MBSubModuleBase
        protected override void OnGameStart(Game game, IGameStarter gameStarterObject)
            base.OnGameStart(game, gameStarterObject);
            if (game.GameType is Campaign)
                CampaignGameStarter cgs = gameStarterObject as CampaignGameStarter;
                cgs.AddBehavior(new ExampleBehavior() as CampaignBehaviorBase);
    internal class ExampleBehavior : CampaignBehaviorBase
        public override void SyncData(IDataStore dataStore)
        public override void RegisterEvents()
            CampaignEvents.PrisonerTaken.AddNonSerializedListener(this, OnPrisonerTaken);
        private void OnPrisonerTaken(PartyBase captorParty, Hero prisoner)

The best way to learn if you have nothing is to decompile mods that you download. I use VS Code with the extension for ilspy. In visual studio you will be able to see all the different methods and properties to use by editing the code here.
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