When will the 1.5 patch be released? this game is dying very fast

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I love this game, but it's dying very rapidly

Since the 1.4 patch on May 8, There was no remarkable patch

I think it is very slow compared to April

Most user is running out of patience

Many of my friends deleted the game and only I was left

Can we know when the 1.5 patch will be released?

its EA my young Padawan. Come back to Singleplayer once the Game is done in a Year. I personally played about 100h, saw the potetional the game has with Mods in SP and MP. Now i wihle be back after full release. No hurry, i got the next 50 Yeary to play it with all the nice Overhauls
It has to be said that it is the lack of perks that is killing my willingness to do more playthroughs at the moment. I'd don't mind all the other fluctuations in the game and can accept it as part of the play though, but knowing that most of the selections that effect the character I am playing are meaningless as they don't exist, makes the exercise seem hollow.
I know that it's probably a silly outlook as the game is about much more than the character RPG stuff and I get why they are doing it this way, but the game just doesn't work for me without that meaningful character development. So I'll keep checking patch notes and wait until they have got at least most of them working.
Game is not dying. I spent around 7000hours on World of warcraft because it is a MMO-RPG with lots of content release over 10 years. Bannerlord is a sandbox game where you are creating your own story. The thing is I spent 400hours on warband because there were lots of mods created by people. This early access means that sandbox core is not ready for modders to create new worlds for me to write my new stories. I spent 174 hours on bannerlord to test an unfinished game, and I PAID FOR IT and enjoyed it. I tested almost every feature game has, and I will play new patches if I see worthy ones. What I'm telling is, you cannot expect millions play a game for years. I played, enjoyed, and when there are more to explore I will come back to play MB, Next month? next year? I dont know
Why do people care about perks? Most of them have boring effects, like just changing the numbers a bit. (More health, more damage etc.)

I'm much more interested in TW getting diplomacy and battle AI fixed. Also, making the campaign map more interesting. Those change the gameplay a lot more than some stats changing from perks.
No, the game is not dying, stop dramatizing. People saw what it is, and that it needs a lot of work and many many patches to be enjoyed properly and will return in a year or so. MP is the same story, people will flock as soon as there are more fixes, features, private servers, etc.
The game isn't dying... Of course people will stop playing it, I hope you didn't think 250K-300K people will keep playing, only heavy multiplayer games like CS:GO, Dota 2, PUBG will stay active forever, most people play bannerlord because of its singleplayer mode, people played the game, got bored, and they stopped playing, no matter what you add to the campaign it won't work, people will stop playing the game because the main point will be same. Bannerlord won't die, just like Warband. People will start again when mods like Kingdom of Arda, A World of Ice and Fire etc. start coming out
Why do people care about perks? Most of them have boring effects, like just changing the numbers a bit. (More health, more damage etc.)

I'm much more interested in TW getting diplomacy and battle AI fixed. Also, making the campaign map more interesting. Those change the gameplay a lot more than some stats changing from perks.
I totally get where you are coming from, you may be right from a development point of view. My problem is that to me playing it just feels too much like testing if the character isn't able to progress as the tools to develop them aren't there. I guess it is because I am more of a Skyrim than a Total War player and so am looking for different things. The joy behind this game is that it caters for all so it'll work for both of in the end which is what makes it so awesome.

One thing I will say is that diplomacy and Battle AI are both there to some extent, where as entire perk trees aren't. I'd be happy with place holders and testing them to see if they were balanced even if they ended up wiping them out and replacing them with something new down the line. Again don't expect TW to do this, my priorities are not theirs and nor should be. Sadly though it doesn't change the fact that for players like me it doesn't feel worth starting another run. Not that I am not enjoying what they have done as I have spent several hundred hours playing it already and loved it, but just lost the enthusiasm to do another run, until I feel like the next character I play can actually develop in a (albeit as you say maybe only slightly) more meaningful way than they currently do.
Game is not dying and It is completely normal that after the initial hype, people just wait to play the game when new features get added.

While I would really love to see 1.4.3, I prefer that devs take necessary time to do a good job and release patches which do not totally destroy the game like It happened with diplomacy.
People are just waiting for mods, the only reason people played Warband so much was because of mods, and it will be the exact same for Bannerlord.
Personally, what makes me less inclined to play Bannerlord right now is the lack of dialogue between us and the developers. Hell, that's what I join EA projects for in the first place - to participate in their development. Can't say I'm feeling overly motivated to put effort into testing when there's next to no acknowledgement, or even direction given, for it from the developers.

Not to mention that without insight into the design and implementation choices, it's really hard to figure out just what TW could benefit hearing from us. Consequently, very difficult to present an idea (presumably) improving the game that meshes in well with the desired direction of the game without some kind of "this woundn't work because X" or "we actually plan on doing Y."

Lastly, by ignoring Steam forums, Taleworlds is ignoring literal tens of thousands (though that number now is probably notably lower :razz:) potential sources of feedback in case of both technical and design decisions. Exactly the opposite of what I've seen the best ran EA projects do.

Bottom line - in EA, you won't keep interest of but the most die-hard fans if you're not putting any effort into regular and extensive communication. And no, "developer profile" fluff for a blog post doesn't count.
It's a normal player decline for any game really. Singleplayer focused games especially.

The player count will rise again when big content patches release and when it will leave early access, as people will want to try out the finished version.
Don't ever expect to see player numbers like at launch though.
Unless you have a Netflix show like The Witcher where suddenly a lot of people wanted to play Witcher 3 and player numbers were higher than at the launch of the game.
Strangely what annoys me the most after changing from 1.4.0 stable to 1.4.2 beta is the disappearing of projectiles from dead NPCs in arena and battlefield. Kills any immersion left. Maybe I'm already used to missing perks and don't really mind them, not the last because perks actually are more or less artificial RPG stuff I could live without entirely fine.
Oh no seriously?! That always annoyed me about the older titles and was really happy to see they left projectiles in Bannerlord. Please dont do that TW..
Personally, what makes me less inclined to play Bannerlord right now is the lack of dialogue between us and the developers. Hell, that's what I join EA projects for in the first place - to participate in their development.

They're pretty good compared to Ready or Not EA -it costs $120 and the devs dont update, and dont say jack to us except "We regret to inform you of ANOTHER delay..." every 5 months
It's still >20k continuous players at the same time, which is a lot

Warhammer 2 or CIV also had way more during the first months I bet.
Citation: "Don't trust statistics you haven't forged yourself"
I used to check out made memes on subreddit of Bannerlord on Reddit. Apart from the significant drop in amount of likes that posts get also all interactions has gone down in number remarkably. It is not because people ran out of jokes, we still get Oblivion memes on different platforms regulary. People are abandoning Bannerlord. Looking at the speed of the development and stuff they have done so far, I doubt they will ever come back.
I used to check out made memes on subreddit of Bannerlord on Reddit. Apart from the significant drop in amount of likes that posts get also all interactions has gone down in number remarkably. It is not because people ran out of jokes, we still get Oblivion memes on different platforms regulary. People are abandoning Bannerlord. Looking at the speed of the development and stuff they have done so far, I doubt they will ever come back.
Nah most folks will come back when it's ready, it's just due to the speed of development and EA nature of the game now there's not enough to hold interest. Once it gets finished and mod tools are out it will spike back up again. I'm sure most people would like it to update quicker or at least to a schedule we understood and they would fix the issues that bug them the most, but EA testing isn't for most people (myself included at the moment). That said this game is definitely for me and so after exhausting myself with the EA as it stands, doesn't mean to say I'm never going to play the finished game (a lot).
the number of people playing has reduced by a factor of 10. That's pretty hard to ignore.

That's completely normal for a mostly single player game. If you really want to lean into that chart and active player count being significant, that is an argument for regular DLC, season passes, etc. since those provide a brief boost and continuing drip into the active player count of a game.
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