When the enemy has one last city... / post your weirdest thing!

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Well, I just went for the freedom playstyle (failed the main quest long time ago) and wanted to join a faction and conquer all map.
All factions where "easy enough" but there was just 1 city that almost forced myself to execute the enemy because of the pop: Garrison /Militia 1300 + 1000 from partys (almost 2400). My kingdom couldn't produce an army more than 1100 (neither do I) so I just waited for them to come out and battle half of their army at a time.

So this was the result:

Sadly even if I captured all of them they just escape instantly and respawn in that city, so my only option was to MURDER ALL (48 lords/party leaders) right when the capture happened. Kinda funny and entertaining "last boss". And yes I was able to conquer all the map.

So for my 2nd playthrough will go for the main storyline and create my kingdom explore the marriage and all of that...

So what's your story?
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