When it comes to invasion, you HIDE! For many many many ants are coming for you.
300 days later, on the dot, the invasion has already defeated one kingdom, but you are not panicked and have everything under control -- you are just taking care not to win because (presumably, if you were to fight the invasion and win) there would be nothing left to do, and the whole continent would become filled with boringness, and people would be coming to YOU asking how to fix this epidemic thusly; "A'ight, you killed all them Romans, and now we's got nuthin t'a do! Now, Wach YOU 'gon do 'bout it?"
This is how your post is likely to be read, though I don't think it's what you meant to say. Please observe why these errors in communication occur. The value of complete, clear thoughts, seperated by proper punctuation, cannot be overstated. It makes for an easier read for us all, and reduces the number of people scratching their heads in confusion in the world.