When i was a Great General...

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Ok i understand, at the start of the game we're poor and we haven't got any milita but after 20 to 40 hours of play we become a rich man with lots'o'soldier. So my suggestion is when we become kinda general so the tactics must improve. Because we become a great soldier and we won't get in small wars any more. So on there'll be great wars with lots'o'men and if there is some tactics like old rome wars the wars will become more enjoyable. Think that if you can make your soldiers get in a shape like cube with their spears and shields it'll become a nice game!

Ehe hasta olduðumdan ne yazdýðýmýn farkýnda deðilim kusura bakma Armaðan anca bu kadar *Ýngilizce* kelimeyi toparlayabildim kafamda. Bence böyle Roma tarzý savaþlardaki gibi dizilimleri olsa adamlarýn (tabii büyük bir orduya sahip olduktan sonra) oyun daha zevkli olacaktýr. Meydan savaþlarý falan... Offf süper olur ki ne süper :grin:
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