Wheel of Time MOD

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Looking through the boards I've noticed a few historical mods and a few lord of the rings based, but am curious if anyone is looking at making one based on the books by Robert Jordan?

Anyone familiar with the books must have at some stage pondered Shienaran cavalry clashing with hulking trollocs or sinuous myrddraal, or the pomposity of the Children of the Light in their gleaming white cloaks complete with sunburst. Perhaps even the fierce aiel in their cadin'sor..

At some stage am thinking about working on one myself, but figured I'd ask around to see if anything else already on the books.

And the wind blows on...
I read the first book a long time ago. It would be a great idea, but there are loads of ideas for fantasy mods floating about. When the Mod Tools come out the game is going to become a whole different experience...
didnt read it but i did read "the death gate cycle" by weis and hickman if there could be a mod based on that i would pay good cash for it!!!
I'm on book 6 at ther moment. Great story but other than skins I fail to see how WOT can be modded into M&B. There are no magic powers and see little fun in blasting enemies with balefire.
+ whitecloaks are the bad guys too.
The One Power, though prevalent through the books, actually rarely shows up in the battlefields of randland prior to the events leading up to TG. What I currently have in mind would be more based around Shienar, so battles would be between Lancers/Trollocs or possibly Lancers/Aiel in the Niamh Passes. As far as Aes Sedai go, let them sit in their tower talking about dresses for another hundred years while the real men get to work.
Hehe, just finishing off book 10 and waiting for 11 next month, and I was thinking Seanchan, but the you have the damanae...
Still, you could remodel horses as grolm etc., that could be fun.
For the trollocs, just model some helmets and armour that aren't available for sale. Aiel, borderlanders and children would be even easier.
Believe me, Seanchan have crossed my mind, but given the lack of magic and amount the imperial armies revolve around damane, just couldn't do it justice. Otherwise, the whole Falme/Almoth Plains thing would be the perfect cookpot. If went Domani/Taraboner, Almoth plains might be anyway.

Anyway, back to familiarising myself with the .txt files.
Well... as long as there is no magic I'd like to fight in the Blight. It would be cool to capture a myrddraal sword but I think they're poisonous to humans. :cool:
I would love the idea of having a Wheel of Time mod. Isn't there a discussion on how to use magic? Perhaps if the technique to add magic is perfected someone could use it. I do think that a decent production group would be needed to make this mod worthwhile, though. Maybe like a total conversion...

Sounds awesome but I'm too new to know if this is possible or if there are enough people interested. I always thought a Morrowindish engine would be great for The Wheel of Time, though, so maybe someone will do one with Oblivion.
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