What's your military rank

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I didn't make poll, because there would be so many options.

I am currently swadian sergeant-knight-at-arms. Quite kewl.
Swadian Master Knight, and from what I've read, I believe that is the highest rank.
In Mag 7, in order to get all the unique weapons, I've switched sides. Though I attained Swadian master knight status, as soon as I got that champion charger, I defected to the Vaegirs and is now a knight in their service.
im not with any army but im runnin around with swadian militia, its kinda fun to get some padded cloth and a bent pick and crackshield, with a bent hunting bow and bent artrows, and go chase down sea raiders

Are you playing I-wanna-get-owned-by-missiles mode?

It doesn't sound like you should be hunting sea raiders bu rather they hunt you.

Maybe you are far better than I am but I can just imagine. (*swish* jav in chest. dang! I knew I shoulda brought real armour *keels over and dies*)
nahh, i was just tired of bieing the all bad ass charachter, so i decided to play a recent recruited swadian skirmisher, and get some other skirmishers, and go bleed like any other common soldier

I know what he means.. im a master knight in the Swadian Army. I had 67 Swadian knights under my command. thick black armour helm and greaves.. a war bow, heavy battle axe. heavy charger etc etc. im level 58 and it got abit easy. i decided to abandon my army and hunting vaegir war parties solo. Its much more fun. i still have Borcha and Marnid they're at level 29 and 31. but its great fun. out of about 5 war parties (over 100 units in each party) ive managed to kill 3! i got so much experience as it wasnt shared with a big party.

i backed up my character first :wink:
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