What's your favorite proficiency?

What's your favorite proficiency?

  • One Handed Weapons

    Votes: 15 22.4%
  • Two Handed Weapons

    Votes: 15 22.4%
  • Polearms

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • Archery

    Votes: 23 34.3%
  • Crossbows

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Throwing

    Votes: 3 4.5%

  • Total voters

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Hello guys,

I was wondering what your favorite proficiency was so I decided to make a poll. Also add a reply and explain why you chose that proficiency. I'll start...

My favorite proficiency is Archery because I just love killing people from a distance (Preferably from the horseback).
Varric said:
1h weapons, you need the extra speed because the shield makes it go slower  :mad:

And do you use this one handers from the horseback or do you dismount? I might make a new char soon and try out one handed weapons myself since I only used two handed weapons and archery so far. What do you think makes one handed weapons better then two handed weapons?
i like both one handed combat and archery, they are both very fun, but i voted for one handed combat as i use it more often, archery is very good for siege's and defended a siege, also for defending in land battle's, but then i have to charge in with my one handed battle axe and smash the enemy in the face, theres nothing like charging someone down and smashing them in the back of the head
I spend points on 1-handed and crossbows... I earn 2h proficiency in battle.

Masterwork Heavy Bastard Sword!
I like polearms the best because I can take down somebody with one hit when I'm on horseback with couched damage.
Archery, combined with a 1h and a fast horse. And no, I don't dismount. Ever. I've tried making heavy characters with plate armor, a charger, a lance and a fat axe (or something like it), but I tend to grow tired of them in a matter of hours.
And what do you all think of throwing weapons? Nobody voted for it as their favorite, that doesn't surprise me at all, but do you guys use it? I use it on my melee characters as an extra.
Protagonist™ said:
And what do you all think of throwing weapons? Nobody voted for it as their favorite, that doesn't surprise me at all, but do you guys use it? I use it on my melee characters as an extra.
Most of my non-mounted companions sport large bags of balanced javelins or heavy throwing axes... Klethi is harcore on the throwing knives (three large bags).
Protagonist™ said:
Jmcfizzle said:
I like polearms the best because I can take down somebody with one hit when I'm on horseback with couched damage.

And you use polearms too when you dismount?

I usually don't dismount, but when I do I also use polearms because I can fight a a safe distance without getting hit, and can counter any cavalry coming my way.
Archery on mounted battel. 1h + shield when dismounted. If possible I use a sword that can be used 1h/2h. So you get an extra punch when the shield breaks  :grin:
1h axe,short but deadly(with a shield of course)  & a Polearm,lance to be more exact..

Best combination for me..Polearm for cavalry & run around killing archers while army fights..and axe for crowds,mounted or not mounted..no difference.
Shield are for pussies, 2H wielders can block melee attacks, and you can dodge all the arrows that come towards you, unless you are sieging, in which case, you should have a shield on hand.
Sushiman70 said:
Shield are for pussies, 2H wielders can block melee attacks, and you can dodge all the arrows that come towards you, unless you are sieging, in which case, you should have a shield on hand.

Not really..Shields are great to have,for me at least..I dont loose a single Hp when i use axe and shield..maybe luck,maybe not..but better protection i wouldnt get from a 2hander..place doesnt matter when i got this combination..unlike your shifting 2hander for open combat and sieges..really cba to do that.
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