Whats your best shot with bow?

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I remember that someone was asking this some time ago but I couldn´t find his/her post so I made a new one.

I got pretty "lucky" hit and just managed to hit print screen button before shot difficulty disappeared.

That is my best shot. Beat that one (and put screen shot here).

I´ m not meaning about damage but difficulty of the shot.

That was done with basic hunter bow so damage isn´t so great.

As a horse archer with a skill level of 250+, I can testify that is a dooozy of a difficult shot. Well done, and with a hunter bow no less.

I've never gone in much for the long distance shots myself so I don't recall any that high or even close to that. Maybe a few 6.8 shots, in that range.

However, I think that what I specialize in - the quick ride-by shot while galloping full-blast - is also worthwhile and difficult to master.
I hit an 11.5 yesterday. Took me completely by surprise. A horseman was riding off on the other side of the map, but as I was aiming at him, he disappeared behind a small hill, out of sight. I snapped off the shot anyway, to where I kind of extrapolated him to be, and then turned around to engage some footmen that were too close. Then I looked down, at the bottom of my screen, and lo and behold, I had hit him for about 50 damage at 11.5 difficulty. i didn't catch it quick enought to get a screenshot, but it still made my day:smile:
Here are a couple other threads talking about best shot difficulty:


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