What's this now?

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Take note at the top.

It seems to be set onto me as it follows me to an extent. But it might be positioned on the rear side ofthe mountain.
They say a picture is worth more than a thousand words.
This one is even more.
(To be exact, it's 332 756 of 2-byte words)

afaik, it's a well-known issue.
The Hero's birthplace? Nah, I'd say it's exactly what it says it is, a Hero party. Those hero fellows need to chill out too from time to time as river pirate slaying is hard work.
Though by the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be a very popular party. The fact that it's held on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere has probably something to do with it.
this occurs when there is a hero on the map somewhere and not in your party [at least, that's what i THINK it is].
hence hero_party
[leave borcha/marnid/kidnapped girl on the map somewhere and watch it appear!]
I'd rather say it's the spawnpoint for the player icon - has to be somewhere, so why not well hidden in a mountain?
It might not be a bug. It might be one of those "under construction" places. We have to remember that the game is in development. Who knows if it is an accesable place in the next version. Maybe another hero party stuck in mud or something (or just place for heroes to party).
Yeah, definitely looks like a bug. Doubt the "it's not a bug, it's a feature" routine applies here.

Or it could be what fanboy says. Think I'll go check that.


Just tried leaving Marnid and Borcha on the map somewhere and no hero party appeared, so a bug indeed.
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