Whats happening on steam?

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So uh..


I keep getting these messages from people on steam. the exact same messages. Is this a virus coming from other people or am I the one infected and spreading it to them?

Do not click on the link guys.
Pepper you leet hacker.

But how can anyone be so stupid to click the link? I mean cmon. It was obvious when watly did it since he spoke English and we're both dutch. Pepper never talks to me because he hates me, tallie same story as watly, slow is way to cool to speak to me and I don't even know that fifth guy.
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18:27 - Varsung: so how did you get rid of the hacker?
18:27 - Watly: steamguard OP
18:27 - Watly: they couldn't do anything anymore after I closed and opened steam
18:28 - Varsung: xD
+Varsung+ said:
18:27 - Varsung: so how did you get rid of the hacker?
18:27 - Watly: steamguard OP
18:27 - Watly: they couldn't do anything anymore after I closed and opened steam
18:28 - Varsung: xD

Lord Gaben has saved me..
That's the reason to keep your FL small^^

Would be interesting how many links some celebrity like Lust got^^
It is strange because always the same people send this. Appearently, only these guys are affected by whatever they clicked on.
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