This is. A handy scrolling .gif guide to what a petabyte is, and the immense sizes it contains. Do take a perusal.
There. Now then, what do you think? The most interesting point to me is the last point, how 50 petabytes is mankind's combined knowledge. The implications of that are beautifully grandiose. What will this massive increase in our capacity to store data bring? Combined with the imminent arrival of quantum computing and the increasing competency in the fields of nano-engineering and manufacturing, what does the future hold?
There. Now then, what do you think? The most interesting point to me is the last point, how 50 petabytes is mankind's combined knowledge. The implications of that are beautifully grandiose. What will this massive increase in our capacity to store data bring? Combined with the imminent arrival of quantum computing and the increasing competency in the fields of nano-engineering and manufacturing, what does the future hold?