What Would You Recommend?

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I downloaded & bought the game 3-4 days ago & must admit it is quite addictive.

The problem is although I have got the hang of battle & the other stuff I don't really have a direction or know the best way to level up my character/party.

I have read the stickies on here & a fair number of the other threads & am still not much wiser on how I want to go about developing my character.

I am rubbish at aiming with bows/crossbows & so will probably be sticking with swords.

So what would you recommend I do?

I want recommendations from the very first decision I have to make which is what my profession was before I became a soldier :smile:

Also why is it that the larger my party is the larger the groups of enemies become?

When I am on my own I see groups of 5 river pirates but as soon as I get accomplises I end up encountering groups of 10-15?

That's all I can think of for now, but I will most probably be back asking more stupid questions.

Edit: Spelling & Grammar
Coldberg said:
I am rubbish at aiming with bows/crossbows & so will probably be sticking with swords.

You might then try a Male character and start as a Squire because the squire starts with an initial Strength level of 8, a Power Strike ability of 2, and a one-handed weapon proficiency of 47. These are all decent starting stats for a melee-oriented fighter using swords.

Other male character classes have different starting stats. For example, the Hunter starts with a decent initial Power Draw of 2 and a bow proficiency of nearly 70, but only a one-handed weapon proficiency of 17.

However, character classes are not destiny: you could always spend your experience points and develop the character any way you choose. In other words, the starting profession doesn't limit your future.

Coldberg said:
I want recommendations from the very first decision I have to make which is what my profession was before I became a soldier :smile:

I'm assuming you mean your starting class? See above; you're able to spend your experience points as you gain them in such a way that it's less important which class you start out as.

I started a female hunter character intending her to be a lightly-armored horse archer with a handful of followers and she's evolved into a mail-hauberk-wearing, scimitar-wielding, Khergit bow-armed, war lord of 37 Sword Sisters.

Coldberg said:
Also why is it that the larger my party is the larger the groups of enemies become?

When I am on my own I see groups of 5 river pirates but as soon as I get accomplises I end up encountering groups of 10-15?

The game adjusts the war parties to your experience levels and party size; mostly to your experience level. Later in the game, you'll see very large enemy parties. You may choose to command fewer followers but the enemy war parties will not downsize to match you then.

Coldberg said:
The problem is although I have got the hang of battle & the other stuff I don't really have a direction or know the best way to level up my character/party.

Leveling up your party comes from either successful combats with enemy parties and from training. The river pirates are generally the easiest to gain points from without losing too many of the new recruits; tougher opponents bring more experience points however.

Training can be done if you have the training ability developed; at the higher levels you can hire a peasant and train him into a very strong trooper in relatively little time. At first though, you'll just get him into the first upgrade.

Troops level up according to their upgrade tree and you don't have any say about their individual strengths.

How you develop your character is a matter of taste. For example, if you want to become a master horse archer; you'll need to increase Agility levels, Horse Archery and Horse Riding skills, and Weapons Proficiency in Archery. But most of the other skills are optional; it's pretty self-explanatory and the fun's choosing whether to become skilled in surgery or trading etc. Everyone has a different focus.
Cheers for that.

I started as a squire & am at about level 6 I think.

I have picked up the two other characters too.

However everytime I get a party built up I always seem to get ambushed by a party that is too strong & they all get wiped out.

I can kill most enemies on my own, I just killed 11 mountain bandits with myself & the other 2 characters who got knocked out very early on.

I can dispatch river pirates wth 2 swings of my sword so they are no trouble at all.

What annoys me is that I went into battle with 10 of them yet my 4 mercenaries died, Marnid & the other guy got knocked out by them.

I guess I should upgrade their weapons/armour but even still they should be able to kill the lowest ranked enemies on the game :sad:
Well, you know what they say; it only takes one to kill one :razz:

Try diff tactics out...mercenaries aren't THAT weak after all...
Man, who cares about the best way, experiment with it, thats why they made it with variety, not just so you can play the best way

you sounds to me like your one of the guys who looks for walkthroughs all the time


I ask for a bit of advice starting out & get told I want the easy way to do the game?

I just wanted to know the best way to get started as i seem to get wiped out all the time.

I am still getting wiped out but it isn't happening as often as it was :mrgreen:
what i did was i went back in forth from zendar to the salt mine, buying salt at salt mines and selling it at zendar, then when i have money i get some decent equipment, then when i have more money i recruit soldier, then i got hunting river pirates.

You wanted advice? okay here is some, stay AWAY from sea raiders, they are the meanest enemies in the game, and dark hunters are the strongest
To make money I jsut sell all the equipment I win from winning battles. I f the equipment I win is better than what I currently have I equip it & sell my old equipment.

I just ran into a bunch of darkhunters. It wasn'r pretty, I managed to kill one of hteir horses before I was killed myself.

Sea raiders don't seem that hard to kill. I killed a few groups of them myself.

At the moment I kill most of the enemy on my own & tell my party to hold position, then when there are 3 or 4 left I left my party charge at them.

My party consists of 5 footmen & 3 infantry as i am now & for the most part I am keeping them concious in battle. Having party members on horses seems to be a disadvantage as most of the time they charge into a group & get stuck. Once this happens they get sliced into dog meat.
You do realize though that by denying your troops combat and kills, they'll advance slower...
Coldberg, you're playing just like everyone else it seems: win some, lose some. After awhile, you'll be back saying it's too easy! :smile:

It's common for a lower level character to lose large number of recruits in battle although your higher level troops like Mercenaries should be harder to kill.

Possible solutions? Accept the losses as the price you pay to develop your character's core strengths. Choose easier enemies like river pirates and forest bandits. Avoid tougher enemies like Dark Knights and Sea Raiders.

As you advance, you'll be more willing to invest points in training, surgery, first aid, and healing. These skills will keep your men alive long enough to upgrade.

You might try different tactics against the enemy. Are your horsemen being swarmed? Hold position until you're sure everyone will arrive together. Being hit by javelins/arrows, move behind a ridge before charging all together. Sometimes let the enemy come to you. Regroup if your cavalry rescattered by having them follow you. Different solutions to similar problems are always possible.

I don't think Mount and Blade is a game that should be played with a "best" way in mind: no best character, no best weapon, no best troop type. There's a variety of solutions that will keep you with plenty of cash, elite troops and top-notch equipment.
Skyrage said:
You do realize though that by denying your troops combat and kills, they'll advance slower...

Yeah, but it beats getting them killed over & over & having to buy replacements.
Doing quite well now. Managing to keep my party size at around 22.

Got a mixture of Swardians with the highest ranks being Swadian Infantry.

I find they stay alive a lot longer if you make them get off their horses & fight on foot.
Whether your focus is ranged or melee fighting I strongly recommend investing in Agility/Athletics. I've raised my character's levels to 24/8 and she can easily dodge a charging horse and outrun Dranton, Kradus or Xerina in the arena.

Marnid and Borcha as foot soldiers with high athletics will have them reaching the enemy just a little faster than your other regular troops, which helps to increase their overall surviveability.

Furthermore, an Agility of 24 actually increases a character's weapon speed by 12%, which can easily make the difference between striking and being struck.

my 2 cents :smile:
I am still upgrading my leadership at the moment.

I will switch to what yo usaid soon though.

I lost 3 Swadian knights in a fight before even though it said I had +4 advantage.

That'll teach me to skip fights & let them handle it on their own :evil:
I usually start out as a Hunter, and put 2 points into Leadership as soon as possible. Then I hire as many soldiers as possible and go kill river pirates. I tend to get a very large amount of money quite quickly. Also, once you get good at the tournaments, you can end a round in less than a minute. That can get you quite a bit of money. I find that archery is probably the most powerful thing in the game if you get good at it, but it takes a bit of learning to lead and arch your shots to kill at long range (once you get it though, you can devastate an army). I usually train either infantry or cavalry, and then support them with ranged fire at first, and then go in and chop people up with a one handed sword. Swords without a thrust are best for mounted combat.
I am going to have to start again anyway after I got ambushed by a HUGE Vaegir war party.

It was twice the size of my 29 man party & their knights killed everyone in my party systematically.

I managed to kill 5 knights with a little help from my party but they knocked me down & the horsemen lanced me to death :sad:

Oh how I love Swadian militia :evil:
It's actually pretty easy to get decent forces again, just recover, run like the demons for somewhere friendly, get some new troops, and beat up some forest/mountain bandits. Even better if you have some training skills across you and the other heros and can get a decent # of footmen before you get there.
The most annoying thing was that I was on a quest to deliver 10 wine to Khudan & as i was about to enter it the war party came out of it :sad:

I lost 6 of the wine & had to go around buying replacements.

I have leadership at level 6 so after a few days resting in an inn the party should level up a fair bit.

It's just annoying watching my party get destroyed after I have been building it up for a week or so.
Coldberg said:
I have leadership at level 6 so after a few days resting in an inn the party should level up a fair bit.

Leadership is only # of troops you can have (well, and slots). It's Training that ya need. :smile:
I have that at level 6 too :smile:

Sorry I am half asleep.

Once I get to level 21 I can have them both at level 7.
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