What upgrades to what?

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I apoligize if this has already been covered. I know someone asked already, but am uncertain if it has been answered. I lose track easily. Exactly what units upgrade to what? Most particularly, what unit do you need to get a horseman?
Vaegir knights come from horsemen, who come from veterans, who come from footmen, who come from peasants.

Don't feel like typing out all the progressions, though. Part of the fun is discovering them on your own.

That, and I'm lazy :smile:
Hrm, good contribution, Doomed One. Erm, maybe it would be useful to point out exactly WHAT I got wrong?

Sorry for the tone, but that was pretty rude.
The baisc progression is :

peasant -> footman/militia -> skirmisher ->shooter -> improved shooter

footman/militia infantry----------> foot soldier --> -> adv infantry ?

foot soldier -----------> horseman -> knight

I haven't tested the advnced infantry but judging at the progression it would be logical

Note : peasnt womens an refugees have their own progression, ending in the nicee sowrd sisted heavy infantry.
also there is the caravan master -> blade master path
(Im missing like 4-5 steps in here)
It'd be nice if the game came with, or we could see on the website, a peasant class tree.

Oooo or someone could make one and post up a link!
It's part of the fun to have secret units. knowing what caravan masters and farmers evolved into now would spoil half the fun of getting them in the party.
If you defeat an enemy who has river pirate prisoners, you can recruit them.

Their progression is from, river pirate -> bandit -> brigand

I haven't tested forest bandits or steppe bandits, but sea raiders do not upgrade.
I just want a legion of dark knights :razz:.

speaking of which is there any one place on the map they are often? and each time ive ever fought them I never get black armor.
The progression does end at brigands.

They are not mounted, and I found them decent enough soldiers, but, hardly worth the effort to get them.

To see for yourself, what I did was in cheat mode, join a side. Wait untill soldiers of your side attack a bandit, river pirate, or whatever, type unit, and help them so they win. Take none of the prisoners so they do. Then, teleport to an oposing side, pay tribute, and then teleport back and attack them. When you defeat them, you can recruit the river pirates.

This happens naturally in the game as well, while playing normally, I've occasionaly noticed Swadians roaming around with river pirates in their retinue, not as prisoners. My guess is that this occured from killing Veagirs who had river pirate prisoners and then liberating them,
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