What to do with Marnid and Borcha

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Umm this sorta loosly falls between a couple of common topics, but, I felt noone had quite written this idea yet (I'm still new so please don't flame me if I'm wrong!)

There is I feel some things that need to be done to them:

1. Get rid of the silly barter screen. *rant start* Its ok guys I know you've got no money, that was obvious when I recruited you. I'll quite happily equip you out of my own pocket, but, if you try to charge me money for my own equipment when I decide I want something back, I'll just decapitate you instead! :wink: *end rant*

2. I would love to be able to assign troops to them under my command and turn them into the captains the game says they are i.e. Ok Borcha you take the archers, have this bow and lead them. Marnid you got the footman and this dirty great axe, I'll take the cavalry myself with us all equipped with lances. The battle proceeds like this: I press 1 to select Borcha followed by 1 to tell him to hold position, he automatically forms his troops into a line and waits for targets. I press 2 to select Marnid and then 1 to tell him to hold position also, so he sets his footman up as a shield wall just in front of the archers in a defensive position. I then press 3 to select my own troops (cavalry) and press 2 to have them follow me, I lead them to the nearest hill to the side of the archers and footman ready to charge, flank, rear assault the enemy. We all wait for the bad guys to come close enough to smite them! If they don't I take the cavalry and do a bit of good old fashioned baiting!

3. Have them follow me on the world map even though they are not "joined" to my party.

Thats all folks, I hope I haven't doubled up too much on someone elses ideas!

Its still a great game!!
1. Get rid of the silly barter screen. *rant start* Its ok guys I know you've got no money, that was obvious when I recruited you. I'll quite happily equip you out of my own pocket, but, if you try to charge me money for my own equipment when I decide I want something back, I'll just decapitate you instead! *end rant*

I agree, especially as they tend to use the wrong weapons and armour if you cannot afford to buy it back off them.
Maelstorm... :roll:

Using the heroes as group leaders would be easy enough. Currently in the party menu, all heroes and units are stacked directly beneath you.
Instead, make an offset.

Marnid and Borcha are stacked directly under you. The troops you command personally are stacked directly under you. The troops you want either hero to command will be stacked at an offset, or at an indent, under those heroes.

For selecting the heroes to give THEM commands... perhaps the F keys? IIRC, I don't think they're currently used.
Destichado, you've pretty much described it exactly as I wanted it, have the option to pick your troops before you enter battle as well.....
me=happy camper

I know its been said, still if you could buy equipment upgrades for your troops as well.....!

Maelstorm, sorry dude if I've gone over the same thing, but, maybe repetition for emphasis?! :oops:
Brilliance just plain brilliance destichado, that would go down in my books quite well, also thanx for ringing this topic up again, then we most likely wouldn't have such cool ideas to add to it again :razz: .
Oh my. Im not flamed or anything, just pulling your leg. Well, for the topic; i guess everyone finds barter with hero brothers rather irritating.

Imho, even if we wouldnt be able to assign people under heros' command, it would be rock if we could give missions to troop "clusters" such as; Sword Sisters dismount/hold this position. Swadian Sharpshooters hold this position. Vaegir Knights follow me. Hired Blades charge. Borcha LET GO OF THAT DAMNED BOW. Marnid TAKE OF YOUR STUPID CLOTH. etc. etc.
And it would be useful to order stances, as simple as "melee stance/ranged stance".

I dont think following you would help much _except for kidnapped girl quest_ since a bigger army would eventually chase you and them apart.
Yeah, but, I wouldnt' mind too much if they were engaged into battle as they followed me, as long as I could then join in, with my main force of troops. Especially if, as has been suggested, they were already engaged in combat when I joined (talk about a flank attack! mwhahahah!):twisted:

Stances would be great, but, I'd be happy just being able to order my heroes around with units stacked under them that were under their command. I wouldn't even care if the archer type troops had little or no melee capability, I like the challenge of protecting your ranged units, as long as you have the order capability to do so. i.e. footman form up in a line, make a sheild wall etc. If worst came to worst, lead a cavalry charge to rescue them or whatever.

Definatly some sort of formation control needs to be implemented regardless of what form it takes, even if its just better AI on behalf of your troops to form up when you tell them to hold position. But, since your hero buddies are described as "captains" I thought it would be cool to implement them as such IMHO. :cool:
Not quite sure where your're coming from yehrom, but, if you mean the game is too easy as is and adding formations will only make it easier - I'd agree. However, we're all assuming (or at least I am) that in the next patch the AI will be significantly ramped up. It would have to be to accomodate troop formations anyhow - what benefits us will also benefit the NPCs.....

Therefore greater control over your troops will become essential, hence the reason for the post. I'd really like to see Marnid and Borcha occupying a position of subcommander(s) with your own character having much greater command control. (I know I'm sliding slowly but surely into the troop-formation thread, ah, but, what can you do?!) :wink:
And for those of us playing with mods, the game gets a hell of a lot harder. Tactics pretty much become a necessity.

Besides the swadian raiders, vaegir berserkers and dark knight fanatics, there's one word that should strike FEAR into your hearts: PELTASTS!!! :shock:
Mag 7, but I also have one that's using (I think) Cataphract's peltast mod.

Haven't tried the Roman one yet, but I think I will soon.
Ta, I've got the Mag 7 mod, but, I've yet to actually use it. :oops:
I decided to give the original a proper thrashing before I mod the game, but, I think the time is nearly here.... :cool:
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