What to do with captured enemy lords?

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What is the best way to profit from captured enemy lords?

I saw I can sell them into slavery which brings a sh*tload of money. Will it be bad for my reputation? Will they get back in their previous position?
Can I kill them?
Will releasing them give me relations with them in EA 1.0.2?
Any other ideas?

How do you sell them into slavery?

I usually just ransom them as they always escape anyway. I also executed one but loaded back from that save so idk what the true fallout may have ended up becoming
Executed kills your relations and reputations
Ransoming gives gold
Releasing gives positive relation with them but potential negative with your own kingdom if at war
Doing nothing gets them released eventually with no change
Executed kills your relations and reputations
Ransoming gives gold
Releasing gives positive relation with them but potential negative with your own kingdom if at war
Doing nothing gets them released eventually with no change

Can't they also be gifted to another lord?

Or put in the dungeon of a town/castle of my faction? And does that bring any good relations with anyone? The lord of the town maybe?
Left and right shoulder :mrgreen:

Ok, but if I were to release them, how do I actually do that when they are already captured? I don't see a button for that.
You can only release them right after battle. You will get an option to imprison them or to release them.
Money wasnt really the problem to me, its too easy once you buy few workshops, you literally swim in money, so ransom does nothing for me, execution on the other hand means one less lord to worry about.
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