What to do right when I start the game...

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Hello! This is going to be a topic about what people do right when they start the game. The only thing that I have ever, EVER done is recruit as many people i can with my limited denars, then just take out some looters, or join in Melee fights. Thats pretty much it... :lol: sooooo,

Please post your ideas to help people get more ideas!
Lord Shields said:
Your best bet is to go after the Sea Raiders at the start... lots of Denars and armor pieces.

No! :evil: Sea Raiders will eat you and your recruits at the start.  Looters first.
i usually just go to the first town i see and then win the tournament. Then i buy some fancy crap with my 4000 denars
Get many of the khergit horsiemen, and a few Nords. start taking out Sea Raiders. try to keep your Nords from dying, don't worry so much about khergits. When your Nords go up a few ranks they should be able to continue to carve through Sea Raiders with out horsie help.
Some high ranking soldiers will inevitably die so keep replenishing your Nord recruit-people.
Buy stuff low, run across the map, sell stuff high.
Buy fast horse
Buy stuff low, run across the map, sell stuff high.
Buy kit (Strong Bow, 3 bags of arrows, sword (not in use, but in inventory))
Wreck some havoc amongst various bandits. And while running across the map: buy low/sell high
That's where I am now. Lvl8 or so. Still exploring this game. (awesome game I must say. Swords and bows and axes and and... without these bloody Elves!  :cool:)

Probably gonna recruit or hire some companions next, or do some quests for guild masters or village elders

The Red Baron said:
Lord Shields said:
Your best bet is to go after the Sea Raiders at the start... lots of Denars and armor pieces.

No! :evil: Sea Raiders will eat you and your recruits at the start.  Looters first.

If you suck horribly. :razz: Grab 10 guys at most... hit the training field for about 5-10 minutes and you should grasp the general feel for the combat system and even level a couple guys. Then seek out a couple Raiders to get some good armor/weapons from. Find a small group of them and ride out to meet them during the battle (killing two or three) then send your troops forward in a charge. While they hack away, run them down with your horse/sword.

It's not at all hard and you'll reap the benefits a lot quicker than Looters.
I'm new here, but a pretty solid tactic I've used is doing tournaments. If your luck is right, you can easily make 20,000 Denars in 1 day by going to the different cities and participating in the different tournaments. You also gain a fair amount of reputation doing tournaments as well. True, you can lose cash if you end up with a bow and arrow at the wrong time, but chances are if your smart, you can pick up someone elses weapons after they drop.

So I get enough Denars to buy some of awesome armor, weapons and a war horse, and then start gathering companions. Companions are cheap, and really effective. Once you have great armor and steed, you can win against 20+ looters with ease, gaining a good amount of reputation. Tournaments can also be used to get enough money to buy descent armor, weapons and mounts for your companions.

If you treat your levels under 20 as a RPG as opposed to a Strategy game, you can very quickly gain money, reputation, and honor in very little time.
I dont know if I am the only one who does that. But every game I start I usually look for weaker groups of bandits and solo them with my character, its AMAZING exp and money just for yourself, I usually solo those groups up to level 5-6. But you need to be careful, only do that if you have TOTAL control of the mounted combat tricks, like slashing enemies in the neck when they open the guard, so you can deal as much damage as possible.

If you get captured dont worry, they will carry you around you will escape with 100% health (hopefully with your itens too) then you kill the rest of them and get your money and more back.

If you manage to solo like 2 groups you should be able to have money to recruit mounted mercenaries, they simply destroy all kinds of bandits and riots, your party will be just walking thru them having fun, after that you keep getting mercenaries (make sure to not go over 30 or so in your party, so you can out run the bandits easily), keep hunting them down, you can do that until level 20, after that you are good to start the massive fights.

Personally I do that even after level 20, its really good money with looting skills high, you get alot of armors that you sell for 400-500 each, plus you dont lose any honor or popularity with villages looting them, and get alot of renown.

I hope that helps you.
I used to go for tournaments etc. But now I use a much more imporved way.

Depending on the faction I'm joining, I will get whatever recruits from them, upgrade them to tier two on looters, then go for mountain bandits. They have decent enough loot early on, and they will only ever knock your army out with their mauls. Very easy early exp.

Then a little later when my troops are decent enough, and I am too, we take out Sea Raiders. Then you get more recuits and companions and build up and up and up. Eventually you'll be asked to join a faction, and then you should take out caravans/small lord parties. By the time you get 50-70 troops they will be mainly top tier so you can take a castle.
snacker said:
i usually just go to the first town i see and then win the tournament. Then i buy some fancy crap with my 4000 denars
low probabilitie that you will succed in winning your first tournament with a lvl 1 account.
also you dont have enough money in the beginnen to win 4000.
killer-blead said:
snacker said:
i usually just go to the first town i see and then win the tournament. Then i buy some fancy crap with my 4000 denars
low probabilitie that you will succed in winning your first tournament with a lvl 1 account.
also you dont have enough money in the beginnen to win 4000.

If you choose something other than the top 4 choices on a new character  :roll:

Be a merchant, then sell all your stuff, put your points in whatever, then kick ass in a tournament.
I'LL say to go to KK and hired some villager....it's 10 denars each....pretty cheap at the start...get as many of them as possible (just have enought $ to pay for them lol)....and don't level up.....then go kill sea raiders.....

well...it's how i do it anyway
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