what to do now?

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im almost lvl 20 or so.  ive been given a small town, and upgraded it with a mill, working on a manor now.  im loaded in gear with near full plate, solid bow and lance.  i have about 25k denars, and my army size is full at 49.  i have about 25 swadian knights, 10 or so sharpshooters and the rest are sargents, everyone i have is max lvl.  i also have Nizar(sp?) and bunduk(sp?).

i guess at this point im not sure what else to do.  i feel there so much to the game i havent figured out yet.  im loyal to swadia, my rep with them is about +40 or so.  how do i get to owning a castle?  or larger town?  what should i be doing, and is there any other way to make my army size bigger without stockin in charisma?  also how do i garrison my troops somewhere?  i assume i have to own a castle or bigger town?

also i should say i dont have any mods. 
Oi... so many things to tell you and no time to do it. I'll edit my post when I get back from work with a bit more information but for now...

1. Work on getting more renown and leadership for a larger army. 49 is NOTHING compared to the armies you'll fight.
2. When you have 100K Denars you're comfortable. 25 is rather low so work on getting more of those.
3. To get a castle/town you need about 100 top tier troops (at least, or a mix of 125 or so troops). Lay siege to the location and after the win ask for it (if you're in a faction). You probably wont get it so you'll want to hit a bunch of places you don't want first and not ask for a reward. Then the next time you ask you should get it.

More to come.
lol, thanks.  i downloaded the game so there so much ive figured out by myself, but i know its not even a dent in it.

how do i get a bigger party size?  my stats are something liek 13 str, 12 agility, 12 int and 13 charisma (roughly).  leadership is maxed at 4(i think) at the moment.

and whats the best way to get renown and how does it affect party size?  i fight and win any tournament i find, i think those gave me 20 renown each which seems to be a big chunk.  i dont seem to get any or very little for fighting roaming mobs, i assume cause i out number them most of the time now?

im sorry if these answers are on the board somewhere. i looked and searched but had a hard time finding anyhting.
Renown is what you need. My guy is about the same as yours. 69 troops though. ABout 460 renown and 50k in cash. Fight battles against larger forces and you will pile the renown up. I have been in battles where I was out numbered at least 2-1 and reaped at least 30 in renown. Keep looting and get the good stuff and sell it in town and that will give you lots of cash as well.

Hope that helps a little.
Every point in leadership gives you 5 (or 3 with 1.011?) free slots for troops, every 25 renown gives you 1 new slot.
thanks guys:smile:

also why am i constantly being attacked by bandits when i enter a town or castle?  im hated bykhergit and another enemy faction, is that why or is my own faction doing it?

ive gotten most of my money from raiding enemy villages and selling the loot.  is that a bad tactic or? 
It should be random, but it happens a lot more during night time, so wait until morning before you try to do anything in a town.
You should only be getting attacked by bandits in villages. You can be attacked by a small team of mercenaries in towns but those are hired by Lords you are not on good terms with. Castles you should never have to worry about being attacked in.
Village and town ambushes are not linked to lords or anything, they happen randomly at night.
duracell said:
Village and town ambushes are not linked to lords or anything, they happen randomly at night.

When you enter a town and get attacked... read the following page. It talks about how you recovered a bag on them that was filled with coin... "Maybe they were hired"... I would venture to bet that a Lord who is on unfriendly terms with you hired them. :wink:
toleranceispain said:
Thats what i figured.  one more question, whats shield "resistance"?
I believe that equates to how much damage a shield can withstand before it fails (crumbles in your hands).  Basically, higher is better.  There is a shield icon above your health bar when a shield is equipped, as it takes damage the icon appears more damaged.
Lord Shields said:
duracell said:
Village and town ambushes are not linked to lords or anything, they happen randomly at night.

When you enter a town and get attacked... read the following page. It talks about how you recovered a bag on them that was filled with coin... "Maybe they were hired"... I would venture to bet that a Lord who is on unfriendly terms with you hired them. :wink:

Yes I know about that, yet there are no conspiracy and the attacks are totally random, every night some villages/towns become randomly "ambush cities" for one night, at that night if you happen to enter them you will get attacked, it has nothing to do with lord relations since you can get attacked even before you speak with any of the lords. :smile:

When you start to get involved in the faction wars you will start to make lords angry at you AND you will start to visit villages more frequently for recruits and by this, the chance of the ambushes increase, thats why it looks like it is linked to lord relations (clever and nice feature) but if you ignore the lords and the factions and for example you start trading, you will visit the same villages frequently and you will get attacked. :smile:

(My personal record is two attacks in the row at the same night when I was looking for cheap fur in the vaegir villages)

toleranceispain said:
Thats what i figured.  one more question, whats shield "resistance"?

In the game shields have hit points just like you, if someone try to hit you with a sword for 30 point of damage and you block it with your shield your shield will absorb that 30 point, if your shield have 12 resistance than the shield's hit points will lower by 30-12=18 points.
duracell said:
In the game shields have hit points just like you, if someone try to hit you with a sword for 30 point of damage and you block it with your shield your shield will absorb that 30 point, if your shield have 12 resistance than the shield's hit points will lower by 30-12=18 points.
Hmmm... I'm pretty new to the game, but that's a pretty disappointing set-up for a shield.  For armor that makes sense, but if you shoot an arrow at me and my shield blocks it, I better get no damage.  How durable a shield is makes much more sense (ya know with axes destroying them and so forth).
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