What the hell is the point of retirement???

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MrRipYourHeadOff said:
Humility said:
Can anyone make list how it's work like there tell you story of background, and I'm very enjoy it, but however, I think I dont read them all, it's may be too late to read when I'm so busy level-up, make money for wage, ect.... so I dont know if long list or not, but it's nice to tell a story step by step each "rank" like you start nothing in new game, it's said you are a thief in town and steal townfolk while later 25 level, I working in village as office and loyal to lord or something like that, I like this but I like to see them all rather than test them out of game, I'm too busy force on game while I could forget to check them each level-up or money or I'm not sure how it's work, do you need to get 500 sroce every story changed or what?

I stopped trying to figure out what you're saying like two weeks ago.

Good attempt on robotic language synthesis, though :smile: I recommend incorporating a comma usage into your algorithm, then it will zip through Turing tests like hot butter through knife... oops, my methafor chip must be malfunctioning!
Humility said:
Can anyone make list how it's work like there tell you story of background, and I'm very enjoy it, but however, I think I dont read them all, it's may be too late to read when I'm so busy level-up, make money for wage, ect.... so I dont know if long list or not, but it's nice to tell a story step by step each "rank" like you start nothing in new game, it's said you are a thief in town and steal townfolk while later 25 level, I working in village as office and loyal to lord or something like that, I like this but I like to see them all rather than test them out of game, I'm too busy force on game while I could forget to check them each level-up or money or I'm not sure how it's work, do you need to get 500 sroce every story changed or what?
I'm taking a wild guess here based on that first sentence. Is this what you're looking for? http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,36125.0.html
Archonsod said:
Once the luck stat runs out you start taking permanent hits to your stats too.

do you know if that is implemented in the game? i think i remember reading someone's post about a month ago saying we don't know if that is implemented yet - they found it in the module system or something, but it might not actually be in the game?
MountainBlade said:
Humility said:
Can anyone make list how it's work like there tell you story of background, and I'm very enjoy it, but however, I think I dont read them all, it's may be too late to read when I'm so busy level-up, make money for wage, ect.... so I dont know if long list or not, but it's nice to tell a story step by step each "rank" like you start nothing in new game, it's said you are a thief in town and steal townfolk while later 25 level, I working in village as office and loyal to lord or something like that, I like this but I like to see them all rather than test them out of game, I'm too busy force on game while I could forget to check them each level-up or money or I'm not sure how it's work, do you need to get 500 sroce every story changed or what?
I'm taking a wild guess here based on that first sentence. Is this what you're looking for? http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,36125.0.html
No, I was talked about background story in retirement, it's on your right bottom screen where you are wish to retirement for good or go back to game? What I asked if anyone knew all storybackground in retirement.
Humility said:
MountainBlade said:
Humility said:
Can anyone make list how it's work like there tell you story of background, and I'm very enjoy it, but however, I think I dont read them all, it's may be too late to read when I'm so busy level-up, make money for wage, ect.... so I dont know if long list or not, but it's nice to tell a story step by step each "rank" like you start nothing in new game, it's said you are a thief in town and steal townfolk while later 25 level, I working in village as office and loyal to lord or something like that, I like this but I like to see them all rather than test them out of game, I'm too busy force on game while I could forget to check them each level-up or money or I'm not sure how it's work, do you need to get 500 sroce every story changed or what?
I'm taking a wild guess here based on that first sentence. Is this what you're looking for? http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,36125.0.html
No, I was talked about background story in retirement, it's on your right bottom screen where you are wish to retirement for good or go back to game? What I asked if anyone knew all storybackground in retirement.

Humility for President '08.
Functaztig said:
What? what is that "luck" thing?
And what's that permanant hit stands for?

Someone found in the module system that when you have 0 luck (it shows you your current luck when you say you want to retire), your attributes (like STR, etc.) can decrease permanently when you lose a battle. Obviously, this can be a controversial feature, and the last discussion I read about it, a lot of people didn't want it implemented.

But as far as I know, no one knows if it's really implemented in the game, or if it's just lurking in the module system (waiting to ruin the M&B experience) as of now.

I don't know if you could tell, but I'm against this whole luck system.

So does anyone know if this is really in the game as of .960 or not?
Why retire?, I'd just keep my save file after I'd conquered the map, I honestly don't care about acheivements.
LK said:
Functaztig said:
What? what is that "luck" thing?
And what's that permanant hit stands for?

Someone found in the module system that when you have 0 luck (it shows you your current luck when you say you want to retire), your attributes (like STR, etc.) can decrease permanently when you lose a battle. Obviously, this can be a controversial feature, and the last discussion I read about it, a lot of people didn't want it implemented.

But as far as I know, no one knows if it's really implemented in the game, or if it's just lurking in the module system (waiting to ruin the M&B experience) as of now.

I don't know if you could tell, but I'm against this whole luck system.

So does anyone know if this is really in the game as of .960 or not?

if you create a new module using the given module system for 0.960, it's going to be there. I just lost 1 point of int.
AvaRice said:
It unlocks all of the hidden features- multiplayer, dual wielding, gore, ninja suits, etc.
NO WAY!!!  I am going to do that right now...

1 hour later...

Hey, it ended my game  :cry:
LK said:
But as far as I know, no one knows if it's really implemented in the game, or if it's just lurking in the module system (waiting to ruin the M&B experience) as of now.
I can also confirm that it's in the game; I saw it in Battle Morale 1.5 mod after several years.
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