What the crap!

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Why is it that when im fighting someone with a knife, and they are right in mjy face, i swing at the and hit the guy behind him? even tho i see my sword pass throught the first guy?
That sort of thing DOES have some infuriating consequences. For instance, I'm on foot against two enemy soldiers, but have great difficulty getting in even a swing, much less a hit, because the guy in back has a spear. Somehow, he's able to poke me with said spear, right through his buddy's back. And since the guy's apparently intangible but not transparent, I'm prevented from adapting to the spearman's timing, on account of my character not having X-ray vision.
Just some collision problems I guess, though that's almost never happened to me. IMO you wouldn't be able to take on more than 3 guys at a time in real life anyway so it works out.
It would be difficult, I admit, but if the two men in question are for some reason stupid enough to approach you in single file, numbers become much less significant.
How is that any different than the ranged weapons? They, after a fashion, cover more area. You would just have to be more careful about your swinging. The AI would need to be alot alot more careful.
well since you HAVE NO control over swinging, id sya that option is out. When you are fighting someone, you have no control of where you weapon is gonna go, you could stab, slash, etc, ranged weapons you CAN control since they only have one motion, but if you are fighting with a buddy, and you do a wide slash, and he gets hit, well, i dont think i would like that.

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