What the Bug in game????

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My character name is Skylande


Why my name in Prisoner !!! :evil: :evil: Gru......
To your question, no idea.

On your character, do you even need an army? I cant even compute the amount of gold you have in my brain as a spoken number. Is it 1 billion odd gold? I think you win the award for "when cheating goes to far"  :grin:

Still have fun with your demigod!
Someone's been using the cheats/character exporter  :razz:

Anyway, it's possible you encountered one of the character duplicating bugs (either the one that creates a second you somewhere or one that creates a party with another you in it). Either way, somewhere along the line you took yourself prisoner.

It's weird, I haven't seen this since the .9xx versions of the original M&B
He's obviously using a mod, as ccan be seen from the second picture. Ask on there thread.
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