what tactics do you use?

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King Ragnarok

Sergeant Knight
what tactics do you mainly use? i stick to a very tight shield wall with archers behind it, and cav at right flank. what do you use?
same with me. what kind of troops do u use? i prefer hearthweruas jutes for heavy inf, cause they are as good as the other hearthweruas and way cheaper, and briton saethyddion and teulu for archers and cav respectively
Tight shield wall; me on the right; archers on the left(on enemy's right, so that more arrows get past shields); cavalry(rarely recruited) sent ahead - when needed they smash in from behind when the two shieldwalls have collided.
yeah teulu are awesome, i use saethrw (however u spell it) cus they are longbowmen, and then i use hearthwuru engles as heavy inf
Don't use any cavalry except for myself and 2-3 NPC's. Make an army of saethyds and hwr-saxons 50/50 and always go on "solo": run on the enemy alone, provoke him to attack me and break formations, and wait untill archers shoot  half of them. Then command hwr to attack.
Start with archers in front, line formation with increased spacing, Infantry in a tight shield wall close behind.
When enemy get near, order infantry to advance just in front of the archers. They will be able to go through thanks to the wide spacing between the archers. This is also faster and more reliable than ordering the archers to move back (unless you order cease fire their will try to continue shooting).
Hold the shield wall for a few moments and then order the charge. Either order the archers to join the melee (cease fire, charge) or if the infantry are holding, leave them behind to shoot the runners in the back.

If I have cavalry, they will be put on hold to the back and to the side. They have 3 possible uses: 1) Against a larger archer force, order them manually to flank and release to charge only when close to the archers so they will not attempt to charge into the infantry formation. 2) Against reinforcement waves that arrive scattered, release the cavalry. They will get some kills and delay the enemy till you have your shield-wall/archers arranged again. Then call them back. 3) If all goes well and they are not needed, release them when the lines have been broken to hunt down the runners and end the scene quicker.
Infantry only army, put in shieldwall, myself on the right or the left, depending on my mood. If I have archers (allied), I throw them forward to lure in enemy cavalry. Companions/Named Men on the right. I only move infantry in formation, while companions and I charge from the flank when the shieldwall fixes the enemy. If I have cavalry (again, allied), I keep them back and only order them to charge when the enemy breaks.
I set my army standing  down a hill, with 'hold your fire' command.
When the ennemy get closer shields up, I ride around them and shoot arrows from behind their lines (I play a horse archer, I know that is not efficient). Then, they turn their shield towards me, turning their back to my troops...
Then I order 'fire at will'.

Experience beats youth every time.
I use an infantry-only army, with all tiers of Irish troops because I like taking casualties. Mostly I just do one tight shieldwall, with me standing at the very end, and then wait there until the enemy attacks and hope that my men are tougher than theirs.

Sometimes I make two shieldwalls if I set my veterans to a different category. Then I let them hold the line while my low-tier men circle around from behind. That's only if I just recruited a huge number of new troops, or if I'm using a lot of non-Irish troops, because I take heavier casualties that way and it quickly prunes my party down to something manageable in terms of morale.
All cavalry with the best mix of horse archers and heavy cavalry I can afford.  With smaller battle sizes it is easier to break formations while riding a fast horse, and get the shield wall to turn it's back on the approaching heavy cavalry.  Archers are much less effective at hitting scattered targets moving in continuous curves, this is not a problem with the software, it is difficult to hit a target moving in non-linear patterns. 

I am not playing at the most accurate settings, but I am having a lot of fun.
I'm a cavalryman, I can't help it, it's pathological.  Infantry are for sieges and garrisons.  :razz:

I have everyone follow me, and I make a nice arc around the enemy, keeping them to our left.  I ride past the enemy, forcing them to keep maneuvering their formation to face us, make sure we have the best terrain for a charge, then order everyone to charge once I pass by the outermost enemy.  My cavalry then charges in essentially a pincer formation right into the still maneuvering enemy while I loop around to the enemy's rear and start whacking the cavalry/archers there. 

This tactic is especially devastating to morale, it seems, because even when I'm outnumbered on the field two to one the enemy troops start fleeing within seconds.  The only casualties I take are usually because too many of my guys are off chasing fleeing troops when enemy reinforcements arrive and a few guys charge in alone and some go down, but that situation doesn't last long because all of a sudden a blue wave (my banner's predominantly blue) rolls over the enemy. 
I create a class called 'Huscarls' where i put all chainmail armoured and top tier troops. These advance ahead of the regular infantry and take the brunt of the fighting whilst the reular infantry circles round to the right to catch routers. When they break, I set the regular infantry to charge but keep the Huscarls in formation to deal with any reinforcements.
Archers arent much good so I put anywhere to the left of the enemy in tight formation. Their arrows do very little damage unless theyre shooting people from behind..

The tactics work for me and I win 9/10 battles with them but whenever I find myself commanding cavalry I don't know what to do with them any typically I leave them out of it until were chasing down routers..
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