What RPGs do you like?

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I suggest to make a list of your most beloved computer role-playing games ever and post it here - this is kinda interesting to me, what RPGs are considered BEST by people from different countries)
Btw, don't mention M&B - I'm sure it'll be the first in 90% of answers))

Well, I'll start:

1. Planescape: Torment
2. Baldur's Gate 2
3. Fallout 1&2
4. TES: Morowind
5. Gothic
6. Knights Of The Old Republic
7. Evil Isles (I'd give this game a special prize - "for the best fantasy plot" :razz: *for those who understand...*)
8. Rogue :wink:
9. Divine Divinity
10. Icewind Dale 1&2
1:grin:eus Ex
2:Gothic 2
3: Fallout 2
6:Baldurs Gate 1&2
7:Icewind Dale 2
Suikoden 1&2 (ps)

I'm sure i'm forgetting a few.

edit: i did


3)Fallout 1&2


5)System Shock 2

More or less, these are my blockbusters.
1. Might and Magic I
2. Master of Monsters
3. Morrowind
4. Phantasy Star (I loved that little cat animation... :smile:)
5. Legend of the Dragoon
6. Final Fantasy VII
Fallout 1 (I actually liked Fallout one more, the world was slightly more believable and whole.)
Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines
Fallout 2
Deus Ex 1&2
Gothic 2 (Haven't gotten my hands on one)

(these are not in any particular order)
Planescape:Torment (ah yes, the true diamant of the roleplaying gems... *mourns for Black Isle*)
Fallout 1&2 (classic - and all those jokes, and general mature design...)
Baldur's Gate 1&2 ( Baldurs Gate 1 was the game that really introduced me to Roleplaying Games - I had played a little bit DSA ("Das schwarze Auge", a german P&P system which spawned a series of 3 cRPGs, which were translated into english as the "Realms of Arkania"-triology), but BG1 was that made a RPG fan. And BG2 is even better, and thanks to an still active modding comunity it gets constantly better *waits for the RtWH-mod :wink:)
Arcanum (sure, it has quiete a few bugs... but the game itself was great - I consider it on the same level as the Fallouts)
Kotor 1&2 (Good story and characters, which help the suspension of disbelief immensly... and of HK-47, you meatbags :lol: And do I have to say "Kreia"?)
Vampire: The Masqueade - Bloodlines (loads of ways to solve quests... or just to amuse yourself... only game that had a "Seduction"-skill and got away with it, too :wink: the atmosphere was just great)
Morrowind (Plugins and the Editor - i never finished the main quest, but I did play more plugins than I could remember)
Gothic 1&2 (I liked them, but I never could really get into them as much as I could into the ones above... dunno why)

I also like Deus Ex 1 as System Shock 2, but they have only RPG-*elements' - kinda like Diablo (that would only enter in a negative list for me) :lol:

ToEE was nice as DnD 3.5 Combat Simulator, was far to light on the RP-side, IMHO (well, after all the module was Hack'n'slash to begin with)

For that matter, I also tried Japaneese-style RPGs and Roguelikes... but I could never really find my way into the former (suspension of disbelieve - nil), and the lone concentration on Dungeon Crawling of the latter bored me to death - I want to Roleplay my char, not run around in some endless dungeon.

Oh, and Ultima Online + a good RP Freeshard - just wow :wink:
It is pleasant to see that none of you wrote "Diablo II" so far :lol: .
Reading your posts, I recalled some RPGs I totally forgot when I was writing first time. Nostalgia!
Realms Of Arkania... To my own shame, I've only played Shadows over Riva, the third part, but I really enjoyed it.
ToEE - yes, it is a pure Dungeon Crawl, and it's a bit boring to me. I don't like DnD, to say honestly, but I can tolerate it when there a good plot and colorful characters, like in BG (Minsc and Haer'Dalis are the best :lol: ).
Arcanum - quite an interesting thing, but, as all of Troika games' production is a bit buggy and unfinished.
Might&Magic - 6th part only, 'cause I've never played the earlier parts and the final part of this story really disappointed me.
And about Neverwinter Nights - I liked only Hordes Of UnderDark expansion... The original game is quite flat in the matter of characters, and I felt little atmosphere there.
Morrowind - I don't really know how long did I live on the isle of Vvardenfell, but it costed me about 6 months of RL (not all the time, of course - about 2-3 hours per day). I think I've enountered all the secrets there))) Archimagister of the Great House Telvanni, Imperial Dragon - that sounds, don't you think?)
Ahh Morrowind, a mediocre game made simply stunning with mods. Morrowind is the only game I've never uninstalled, just in case I get the itch to play. With all the mods and re-textures, it's like a whole nother game.

The Fallout games were/are classic, still are some of the most fun games I've ever played. Can't wait for Fallout 3, supposed to be made by the folks who did Morrowind, so that should be a treat.

I played BG 1 and 2, haven't finished either of them. I tend to loose interest. I can only maneuver my party down so many stupid twisty narrow hallways before I get fed up and quit. AI pathfinding sucked even when cranked up to max.

As for KOTOR 1 and 2 and the Diablo games... those are about as un-rpg as you can be and still be called an rpg. Limited choices, linear gameplay, bleah. KOTOR2 graphics rocked tho.

I did enjoy VTM Bloodlines, Malkavians are great... never sure if those voices you hear are real or in your head (ask about the free arsenic...)and the dialog options were hilarious "I am the mighty thesaurus! RAWR!"

And Rouge... I can't begin to count how many possibly productive work hours I've wasted playing that game. Nothing like smacking the enemy with a cocatrice corpse. And then eating them.
ADOM is nice, but takes way too long to get into.
my favourites:
BG 2
Seiken Densetzu 2-3 AKA Secret of Mana 1&2 (not true rpg's by my own definition, but hey)
the exile/avernum series (www.spidweb.com)
About KOTORs... The first part was one of the best role-playing games I've ever played. Maybe more role-playing than game, 'cause it was very easy to finish it, but still... More or less interesting characters, good plotline (well, it was linear like a railway with only one division in the end - whether to blame yourself Darth Revan or to join the Republic against the Siths. btw, someone in the sequel told me about the hero from the first part: "he joined the Republic only to gather forces behind their backs", so even this plotline turn is nothing but a trick), and it was the first RPG in Star Wars universe! I enjoyed it very much when I played it first time, but when I've installed it a few months ago to play an absolutely Good character, I was disappointed.
How's about some spoiler tags there KnZ. :razz:

I haven't finished KOTOR yet, waiting until i move and don't have internet for a while.
Because it has been excluded by the person who started teh thread - because, obviously, everyone would have it in their list (even though there is not much Roleplaying there, ATM) anyway.
Well, I've tried to avoid getting close to M&B, because we can discuss it in "Mount and Blade Discussion" topic, but it seems to me that it is useless - sooner or later, we'll discuss it here)

Yesterday I've found a "Lionheart" CD behind my computer table...
This game seemed a total fail of Black Isle to me when I played it first time, and I've stopped playing after several hours. Second try was not much longer - I played Lionheart for about 6-7 hours or so, and then uninstalled it. Third time was much more productive :lol: . I got interested by this game when I uncovered that all the feuding fractions (Inquisition, Mages,...) there have their own TRUTH, and no one tells you that you've done wrong by revealing Hidden Street's site to Torquemada...
I was confused that a S.P.E.C.I.A.L.-based game doesn't have an "End Turn" button)) Well, it was really a big fail of guys from BIsle to make this game real-time - combats were awful there... But dialogues... and plot... it was only a bit less interesting and thrilling than a story told by BG series... But Lionheart's destiny is to be covered by a layer of dust laying on your shelfs. Very strange game.
So I'd say so:
Graphics: ***
Story: *****
Interest: *** (mostly because of boring combats...)
Sound: **** (Da Vinci forever!)
Interface: ***
Well, I don't think it is the Realtime combat itself that is the problem - it is theier implementation, with no commands during pause, ranged combat nerrly useless in its normal sense, since the enemies close up that fast, the generel speed etc.
IMHO the first half was quiete enjoiyable... all those factions with different morale-systems and oppotunities to RP...
Sadly, it dissolved to to Hack'n'Slash orgy really fast after Barcelona :mad:
dadarkman said:
Why has not 1 of of guys m&B in youre list...

"What do you mean M&B?"
"Erm... This is an M&B forum."
"Holy ****e! Why didn't you tell me? I'm an Amish, I can have nothing to do with anything electric!"
"What are you typing with?"
"What do yo... AAARRGGHHH!!! It's everywhere! They're in my head!!!"

Allright, I shouldn't make fun of other peoples beliefs. Especially if I'm that bad at it.
Gilglaurad said:
Well, I don't think it is the Realtime combat itself that is the problem - it is theier implementation, with no commands during pause, ranged combat nerrly useless in its normal sense, since the enemies close up that fast, the generel speed etc.
IMHO the first half was quiete enjoiyable... all those factions with different morale-systems and oppotunities to RP...
Sadly, it dissolved to to Hack'n'Slash orgy really fast after Barcelona :mad:

Perfectly right.

I loved the first half... and i created my beloved Wolven character :razz:
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