What mods does everyone use?

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Here is the mods I use and I enjoy them:

zculturedstart Beta 1.4.3 Experimental
Party AI overhaul and commands
Improved Garrisons - For 1.4.3
Realistic batle mod - realistic battle with realistic armor for beta 1.4.3
Separatism Mod 0.8.0 Beta
Settlement Icons for 1.4.0
Bannerlord Overhaul 1.4.3
Tournaments Enhanced
Allegiance Overhaul - Bannerlord e1.4.3
Bandit Militias
Interesting Companions and Interesting Clans
Looting Looters (all faction unit armor)
Better Raiding Loot
Fixed Formation Spawns
Real Spear bracing
Main File - Real Spear Brace
Better Relations

and what ever the one that fixes the launcher mod sorter
-Shields block on back
-cut through all (tweak the config so that friendly attacks are not interrupted)
-deadly cavalry charge
-poor mans roman testudo
This one makes the game tolerable.

Might link things later, but I focus mostly on combat mods. So I got:
  • Realistic Battle Mod. I enjoy archers not mattering, while still being reasonably effective with a few tweaks.
  • Spear Bracing Mod. Mostly to play around with, sticking with it for bigger things to come, looking forward to its development.
  • Deadly Horse Charges. Cavalry suck at charging, this mod really helps with that. With it and the previous two mods, the cavalry/infantry dynamic feel stronger.
  • Skill Effect Formula. I don't think the passive boosts are big enough in vanilla. With this, I get a real difference between tiers.
  • Equipment in Encyclopedia. I like what TW did, but I like the extra stuff this mod gives.
  • Enhanced Battle Test. This is amazing for testing units, although I preferred the Custom Battle with Selectable Troops for its relative simplicity.
  • Adonnays Troop Changer for messing around with.
  • My own unit mods I'm still messing around with and might release whenever. Still too busy playing dressing up with troops atm.
Then there's also modlib and all that extra.

Mods are all I really do with Bannerlord these days. Not keen on playing a serious playthrough until I sort my unit mods out. Wouldn't hurt if Bannerlord gets some more development either though.
This one makes the game tolerable.

Awesome! I Didn't know this one was updated. I will definitely add this to my list of mods.
This one makes the game tolerable.

This mod looks pretty nice indeed, going to give it a try while TW fix diplomacy.
I used to use community patch and maybe a couple others but... I like to test the beta, the long refactor made mods somewhat reasonable as the game wasn't being updated. Now that we're hopefully back on track for updates every couple weeks I doubt I'll use any, most I used take forever to update so it's not practical. Just not practical as I work and on days off I'd like to play not go searching for mod fixes.
I wish for a mod that would let me make an alt government where I just have npc generals in control of a castles parties instead of lords. Or put a wandere as a castle controller and patrol.
Bannerlord tweaks have been updated for 1.4.3 if anyone was using those for 1.4.2 by jiros. Seems stable

Well not exactly updated, just temp fixed by someone else. Also some things seem to still not be working and your mileage may vary. If they patch again next week however I'm sure we'll be through this all again.
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