What made you sad today? v.IV

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Just so we're clear, this is a fourth game, or maybe rather a spin-off, there was Disciples 3 around 2010, released by Russian studio that acquired the rights to it after Strategy First went down, it launched poorly, got relaunched poorly and had final, okay-ish version about the same moment (or rather something like two weeks after) said studio also bankrupted.

D3 was already a giant mess, they tried to introduce hex-based combat, but lift unit stats from D2 (that had no unit movement), add skills that turned the balance upside down to the mix, and then struggled to glue it together into something coherent. Liberation looks like they didn't even bother to look back at what worked and just grabbed some names for their new, cool RPG idea. I won't even get into the story, but judging by the trailers I really doubt they'll have the corny, grimdark allure of first two games.

Thanks for the tip, looks well worth watching.
Games! Games! Everywhere I go, games! This is what my lifetime of achievement has been reduced to! Clive Sinclair, the man who brought you Jet Set ****ing Willy! Apparently there's even a game now about me trying to get a knighthood, for Christ's sake!
Randomly stumbled upon Bannerlord release on Steam and that reminded me to check on forums. Not sure if that made me sad-sad, but definitely made me go 'huh' about that time my friend in High School got me to play some early version of M&B, which started a long period of being super-excited about everything vaguely related, including Blood&Gold (still a fun game, just not a good one).
Really not having a good day, mental health-wise. In fact I'd say this is the worst I've felt in a long time, perhaps in a couple of years. Whew. This sucks. And I don't really know what to do about it other than read or watch TV to try and distract my mind, and then go to bed tonight and hope things are better when I wake up tomorrow morning.
Thanks for the reply. I went for a drive, which helped a lot. I feel a lot better now. Now I just need to keep myself from sinking back to where I was a few hours ago.

There's plenty I wish was different. I don't know if I can do anything about it, though.
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