What made you happy today?

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I only come on about once per week, expecting there to have been at least 5 pages per thread but all I get is bromden complaining about being able to bromdenpost.

Also that post was 4 days ago woops.
Today has been a good day so far. Did a project at literally the last minute but didn't half ass it, learned I didn't fail a class that I totally thought I did, and got on very good standings with a professor I thought hated me.

I guess I should try asking out my crush while I'm at it.
I might as well post this here, even though it definitely wasn't today. Bought a Gillette Slim J-2 safety razor, made in 1964, a while back. It was in a pretty bad condition when it showed up, and I managed to restore it to its former glory.


Here's a set of comparison images. Left-hand side's the razor as it was shipped to me, right-hand side is the end result. This is after cleaning and polishing. I've done a pretty good job, if I can say so myself, and the razor itself works wonderfully as well. Minor defects, such as the little spot on the doors where the plating's worn off are almost invisible when looking at it without a camera.
The final image in the album compares the restored Slim (left) to my relatively new Mühle R89 (right). I like what I'm seeing.

Pre-polishing, but post-cleaning results can be found here. The polish really makes a difference.

Final result isn't perfect, but it's pretty much almost as good as it gets without replating the whole thing, and that's not something I'm keen on doing.

On a side note, switching to a safety razor might have just been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I no longer hate shaving, and would thoroughly recommend getting a safety razor to everyone.
Big Bad Pent said:
Wtf were you shaving with before?

I’m sorry, what? You do know what a razor is, right? Are you seriously so terminally smeared that you don’t know the different types of razors available to a male pissbeard man wanting to shave it off. You’ve got cartridge razors, electronic razors, traditional Turkish death razors. Loads of people don’t use safety razors.
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