What level are you?

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The price increaces as the version comes closer to be the final product.
EDIT: so 0.602 could cost less than 0.702
pzler said:
i'm level 17653. a can beat black knights on my own with no armor and a knife!!!
erm... how did you get it that high? i get to lvl 72, i think... then it says i need to be at 2xp to go up :???:
tut tut ! i got my level without modding or cheats :razz: a few all nighters and alot of caffine and it took about 2 weeks :lol:
Juno said:
tut tut ! i got my level without modding or cheats :razz: a few all nighters and alot of caffine and it took about 2 weeks :lol:
Come on, a few all-nighters? How could you do it that fast. You have to get millions of xp per level past 50. By the time you'd got to level 74 w/out cheating, your computer would have melted from being on for several dozen/hundred hours.
You would think that after that long there would be the grass texture burned into the screen. When I first saw the grass texture I thought it was pot. I was like, "Where are they making the textures at? Amsterdam?"
compfreak said:
Juno said:
tut tut ! i got my level without modding or cheats :razz: a few all nighters and alot of caffine and it took about 2 weeks :lol:
Come on, a few all-nighters? How could you do it that fast. You have to get millions of xp per level past 50. By the time you'd got to level 74 w/out cheating, your computer would have melted from being on for several dozen/hundred hours.
you obviously underestermate the grinding skills of a swg and WoW veteran :lol:
I have about 48 skill points I need invest since I am a level 21 epic Slacker and I multiclassed with a level 6 Nerd so I can mostly understand what the hell people are talking about.
Samikus said:
And another thing, this is off topic chat (not mount & blade) just to let you know!
Actually no, this IS mount & blade chat saying as we are talking about what level we are in on M&B. :grin:
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