What is the proper way to get too 300 mineral richness?

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I noticed that just repeatedly sending prospectors (PoP 3.9.5) does nothing (except expending my money). The wiki is a bit vague on the matter.

So, assuming starting richness is NOT 300, to increase mineral richess, what must I do:
A) (1) Close the mine; send prospectors; build mine; if richness < 300 then repeat (1) else end;

Or I must:
B) (1) Close the mine; send prospectors; build mine; close the mine; (2) send prospectors, if richness < 300 then repeat (2) else build mine; end;

Or I must:
C) (1) Close the mine; build mine; (2) send prospectors; if richness < 300 then repeat (2) else build mine; end;

It doesn't do nothing, it generates a random value and if it's below what the current value is, then nothing changes. You just need to keep sending prospectors until you get to 300. It's annoying but that's how it is.
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