What is the Arena missing?

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Would it be possible to change the arena sorroundings to put spectators on some benches arround the arena on top of the walls?

Would it be possible that when someone deliver a good hit, one could hear the spectators "Oh!"s and "Ah!"s, When someone falls, one should hear spectators' roars, if someone is inconscious the roars should increase and at the end of the combat, the spectators would go berserk cheering the victors.

This sound files along with changing the odd forest arround the arena and putting people, would improve a lot the feeling of fighting there.
The game is a beta in development. It's understandable that the developers focus on the most important tihngs first. I certainly would like to see a storyline and new locations (keep, four ways in) finished before "oh" and "ah" in the arena. It's good that the candy is the last thing on the list - in commercial games, the candy comes first and the substance never follows.
I realise it's not top priority, but I really would like to see this as well. It may seem like eye candy, but I think it's greater purpose would be to help immerse you in the world. The land is very plain at the moment, and I feel like no one lives there. Seeing a packed stadium would do more than make the tournaments look nicer. To me, immersion in the gaming world is a very important thing.
Certainly there is top priorities, but certain things should be implemented just because are simple to do do. Like Rain sounds. It´s annoying when it´s raining and you can´t hear the sound of the rain. Things like this won´t too much os Armagan times and yet would add too much to the game experience.
In that case, I also want to hear and see the spectators falling unconscius when hit by an arrow. I actually usually triumph after victory: If I'm an archer, I shoot an arrow, if a swordsman, I thrust, and as lancier, thrust too, either to the spectators or towards the sun.

But then again, I'm weird.
Dynamite_cow said:
In that case, I also want to hear and see the spectators falling unconscius when hit by an arrow.

that would be cool... Maybe that's why we don't see any spectators... they are afraid of getting shot?
What is the Arena missing?

A convienience stand, duh!
Well I think theres a memory usage issue.. So more spectators = more memory.. Personally I would rather horses didn't disappear, rather than have a bunch of nerds watching a fight. (unless you can kill them - but even then I would prefer to have a toggle option for horses to stay after their riders a killed)
This could be done with a few 3d models and then 2D sprites like in Duke Nukem 3d or old games like that.
Kamamura said:
It's good that the candy is the last thing on the list - in commercial games, the candy comes first and the substance never follows.

That's because eye candy sells. The commercial games' producers are desperate to sell to get money to keep developements running, therefore they need to put eye candy to attract customers :wink:

dirtbag said:
This could be done with a few 3d models and then 2D sprites like in Duke Nukem 3d or old games like that..

Agreed, unless someone with a time machine brings a grenade to to our middle age game, Our hero will very unlikely be able to jump from the arena to the public's place. You only need a few 3d models of drunken gambling hooligans in the wooden gallery where our hero is able to see the games. All other areas could be 2d sprites. (and without actually fighting, on that gallery, our hero could do some gambling on the fights. could also be a way to make money and a mini-game within the game!) :wink:
You know, those people would have to be up there when you choose to just watch the fight, you know. So if they were just a bunch of 2d thingies, they would look like crap. If there were a bunch of 3d people up there, it would lag like crap.

Simple solution?

Private Box.
Or just have a few people in the area you watch from. Most peoples' computers can handle having 15-20 people in a battle. Max of 6 actually fighting, and then there's 8-13 watching with you.
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