What is new in 0.700?

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Sergeant at Arms
As the new version soon to come is 0.700 and the old one is 0.632 the new update should include some major changes/additions... but what?

Could we please get some details... we love details :wink:

armagan said:
:smile: :smile: :smile:
Uhm... actually, there will be gloves and a seperate armor slot for gloves. Unfortunately we'll have only a pair of leather gloves for the time being but ipek promised to produce more glove types after we move into the office (she's busy packing stuff these days)

Another new feature will be being able to reload lighter crossbows on horseback (I wanted to implement some more suggestions before release). However, as Cataphract said, most of the new features are internal to the game engine and will not really be noticable (except for modders) Still, they are very important new features, and will open up a lot of new possibilities for both modders and our own future development.

I'll also experiment with new balancing decisions. For example, every two points of intelligence will give a skill point now. And most importantly you'll be able to upgrade troops that are up to 5 plus your level. So you will not be able to train knights at the beginning of the game. Well, we will see how it will turn out...
Good to hear that we get a gloves slot! Even though we get only one for now, the modding community can efficiently create more in no time, of that I'm sure :grin:
However, I'm still curious regarding the Suggestions forum, full of good ideas... which ones will be applied, to the new version?
I'm curious about these new gloves. Do they keep the chill out?

I don't doubt some people got sick of seeing cissy pink hands protruding from their big, butch black arm guards (I know there are a lot of armourers here - pauldrons? Help me out!). Is it thought that there will be a seperate hit location (i.e. "hands") to go with the new armour slot? Will glove armour points just count towards body armour? Am I just being daft, and there are only two hit locations (head and body)?
In 0.632 there are four locations: Head, arms, body, legs. My assumption is that arms currently use the body armor rating, but I suppose that in 0.70 they'll have their own armor number, probably composed of the gloves'/gauntlets' rating and an added bonus from the body armor, or possibly only from the gloves. I'm just guessing, though.
So, basically, we will be able to grip a one handed weapon with two hands, should we lose our shield, or un-equip it? Awesome! :grin:
okiN said:
From damage. I get the feeling that arm hits do less than body hits. I may be wrong, though.
This is interesting. How often exactly to blows land on the body?
From my experience, legs are likely to be struck if the target is mounted. On foot, the chances are they'll take it in the head (overhead swing) or the arms (conventional, bloodthirsty maniac swing), and the only attacks with a significant chance of confering a body hit are from missiles or thrust weapons.

Most attacks I find myself having to defend from (or directing!) are the lateral swing-type. Surely, most of these would strike the arm before connecting with any part of the torso.

I have no idea what point I'm trying to make, here :lol:
...but is the body really that small a target?
Yea well the opponent likes to swing too so i think its quite common to be hit in the body or the ribs to be more precise. Getting thrusted usually lands in the body too...
Humams instinctively protect their vulnerable parts, which usually translates to head, groin and solar plexus. The most common injury to the body was usually the stomach, presumably because most people guard the upper body.
Arm injuries are usually to the upper shoulder, mainly because it gets in the way of any swing to the sides.

Hand injuries became uncommon once they invented the guard on the hilt. Although gloves would probably prevent chafing from the reins of a horse.

Perhaps we need some form of saddle sore ointment in the next release too :wink:
At the level at which attacks are typically made, I'd say that most blows that are swung from the side would land on the body... were the body not flanked with a pair of beefy arms, you see?

I have also observed that thrusting attacks tend to target the body - but also that they are not commonly employed unless against trapped or heavily-armoured targets.
okiN said:
Not all weapons, but certain select ones, yes. Or you can cover yourself with your shield as you advance on enemy skirmishers, then switch to two-handed and rip them to shreds.
Eh? You can do that now. Do it all the time.
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