what happens after haveing 2 admirers?

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In the game i really liked Jarl Turya. I did a lot of quests for him and my relationship with him is favorable, whenever I tried to find his daughter (Lady endegrid) I could not find her. They said she is at a castle but only her mother was there. I tried for 20 ingame days, then the Kingdom of nords had a feast. I was like: At last she must be there. But she wasnt there either so i found somebody else and i said that i want to be an admirer. But his father Said that he will think about this (im with the nords). After like 2 days I went to Curin castle and Lady endegrid was there. Jarl turya gave his blessing so now i know that i want marry her, but what will happen to the other lady? Because now I have two. Can i quit somehow?

im sorry fo my bad english.
Actually, if you speak to an ashik or troubador or any of them poetry guys, they will tell you everything you need to know about courtship, including how to meet a lady and they will teach you poetry to court your love interests with.
King of Scotland said:
Maksim125 said:
You can have 40 admirers they dont mind. But once you marry your just friends.
:shock:..... :lol:

This is so realistic...

I would have thought this would have been very realistic for the times? Hell my mum used to date like 5 or 6 guys at a time back before she married my dad... And that was only the 50's...
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