what does doing missions from the counts do?

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if i complete the different missions given to be my the counts, does it DO anything? i would assume a reward, but do i get my own town or castle? also whats with the dra...something i cant write.....Keep? its empty execpt for one person, a baron. and i got a quest from a king that said to get horses, buy them, or even stell them and i was wondering if that is just dailogue or can i actaully steal horses in the game?
When you complete a quest you get a reward in experience and gold based on the difficulty of the quest- Capture 2 Swadian militia, you get pocket cash; Bring 14 coursers, you're financialy set for life.

As you complete more missions, you rise in rank which increases your weekly salary, which is ridiculously low. If you download the Mag 7 mod, you also get rune weapons in the higher ranks.

You cannot steal horses per se, you can buy them or collect them as loot after a battle.

Edit: Oh right, and the Keep serves for nothing at the moment. I think it either had something to do with the bandit faction in a previous version or will have something to do with the bandit faction in the future.
The game really isn't finished yet so at this point doing the missions is just something to do, the fun part is that the opposing faction will start attacking you and you can attack their caravans and prisoner trains while trying to get those 15 warhorses or whatever for the army, its better than just running merchandise across the landscape.
Treamhis said:
if i complete the different missions given to be my the counts, does it DO anything? i would assume a reward, but do i get my own town or castle? also whats with the dra...something i cant write.....Keep? its empty execpt for one person, a baron. and i got a quest from a king that said to get horses, buy them, or even stell them and i was wondering if that is just dailogue or can i actaully steal horses in the game?

The only rewards for count quests that are implemented at the moment are: gold, experience and rank. I suspect that in future versions you will be able to own land or something according to rank. By steal the count meant that you can raid other parties and get the horses as battle spoils just like you get items after defeating an enemy party.

Treamhis said:
ok, thanks a bunch? umm what are the rune wepeons?

Rune weapons are custom items from the Magnificent Seven mod. You can find more information about them in the Mag7's post at the Mod forum.
You bring them blood and they tell you how much there is very slowly with an overdone eastern european accent.

(I know it's lame, but someone had to say it)
I personally think counts should give you rewards for trashing enemy groups.

Even if you don't capture the war captain, killing off an enemy war party ought to give some reward.
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