What do you most want to see in the next major release of NE?

What do you most want to see in the next major release of NE?

  • Rebalanced Troops

    Votes: 33 28.9%
  • More Diplomacy Options

    Votes: 67 58.8%
  • Player Troops

    Votes: 51 44.7%
  • More Items

    Votes: 58 50.9%
  • More background stuff

    Votes: 33 28.9%
  • Rebalanced Parties

    Votes: 22 19.3%
  • Looter Resurgence

    Votes: 16 14.0%
  • Town Prosperity Changes

    Votes: 27 23.7%

  • Total voters

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First vote :cool:

More economics:
I have this idea for an economic system but I only now the words in dutch... If someone of you guys know the english terms for those words, please translate it for everyone? It would defenitly be great if it would be developed.

Text in dutch:
In de middeleeuwen had je het feodaal stelsel. Even kort uitleggen: Een heer had een groot stuk land en hij had 'lords' onder zijn macht staan. Als die 'lords' iets goed deden of voor hem vochten, dan kreeg die 'lord' meer land. Die 'lord' werd dan leenman bij de leenheer.
Het idee is als volgt: De rol van leenman wordt in dit geval bekleed door je 'lord', er is in ieder geval niet veel verschil tussen de twee. Maar wat wel eventueel handige optie's zouden zijn:
- Je leenheren hebben een bepaald budget dat je kunt beheren via je Chamberlain. Je kunt zien wat ze uitgeven, waaraan ze het uitgeven en je kunt eventueel bij hun lenen of een donatie maken.
- Als je leenheren hebt die een stad bezitten kun je via de guild master kijken wat de stad en zijn domeinen van hem vinden en hem daarom aanspreken indien nodig?
- ... (Meer ideeën volgen normaal gezien nog.)
Text in english:
In the middle ages were the feudal system. Briefly explain: Mr. A had a large piece of land and he had 'lords' are under his power. If the 'lords' were doing something good for him or challenged, it was called "lord" more land. The 'lord' was vassal to the liege.
The idea is as follows: The role of feudatory in this case, by your 'lord', there is in any case not much difference between the two. But what is possibly useful option would be:
- You only men have a certain budget that you can manage through your Chamberlain. You can see what they spend, which they spend and you can use in their loan or make a donation.
- If you have only men who have a city you can see what the guild master of the city and its domains to find him and call him if necessary?

Trade federation/faction:

In order to boost the trade idea, I think it would be nice to have something like a Trade Faction. It would have these options[list type=decimal]
[*]Every town has it's own prosperity rating. But instead of putting it on the 'welcome' screen, you should have the option: Speak with the Trade Master. He will tell you about the prosperity and about the prices perhaps?
[*]Maybe it's good that you will have the option to ask him about incoming and leaving caravans? Then he will tell you maybe if there are caravans going to your towns and you can ask him to send you more goods, arms, armor or horses?
[*]And you can ask him maybe to escort several items. The better your relation is with him, the more valuable the items are?
More neutral enemy variety (So grinding gets less boring. Maybe some nomadic tribes (Light, to no armored khergit training fodder) This would make early game grinding less tedious.

More weapon and armor types (I know its coming, just thought I would mention it)

And more depth to the people of the world... dear god is it needed.. Theres no getting into the game because the characters don't feel realistic in any way.
Will there be possible to add some map options to the map ??like that other mod did sword of domicles in that you can direct your lords to do stuff like follow you patrol or go to certain position like castles ?? I do not know how feaseble it is ?? Also how about when you have an hero lord, when he is the castle you can talk to him directly like the other lords can.
dzorro said:
Will there be possible to add some map options to the map ??like that other mod did sword of domicles in that you can direct your lords to do stuff like follow you patrol or go to certain position like castles ?? I do not know how feaseble it is ?? Also how about when you have an hero lord, when he is the castle you can talk to him directly like the other lords can.
You can do so already.
When you're vassal and Marshall of a faction you can order other Lords around. With rather unpredictable results, but you can.
Speak to your Companions when you're your own king and you can order them to form a raiding party, which pretty much turns them into Lords.
if it's possible
I'd say you gotta add the option to chose which soldiers open in the battle
also the AI lords should use more powerfull troops
another idea
to join kingdom you got to capture a castle for them
and also give kingdom a fief for piece
another idea
a sneaking task like saving a lord
and for that you need to bit a lot of troops
and most of all stronger infantry and some more horses

also wanted to add that
if there anything i can help I'd like to [i don't know **** about modding,but still i have free time at work to learn]

check this translation i tried at google Language Tools
In the middle ages were the feudal system. Briefly explain: Mr. A had a large piece of land and he had 'lords' are under his power. If the 'lords' were doing something good for him or challenged, it was called "lord" more land. The 'lord' was vassal to the liege.
The idea is as follows: The role of feudatory in this case, by your 'lord', there is in any case not much difference between the two. But what is possibly useful option would be:
- You only men have a certain budget that you can manage through your Chamberlain. You can see what they spend, which they spend and you can use in their loan or make a donation.
- If you have only men who have a city you can see what the guild master of the city and its domains to find him and call him if necessary?

Er, what does the 'Player Troops' option mean?

And does Rebalanced Parties refer to Lords' parties (more high level troops) or bandits and the like?
raul-1 said:
In the middle ages were the feudal system. Briefly explain: Mr. A had a large piece of land and he had 'lords' are under his power. If the 'lords' were doing something good for him or challenged, it was called "lord" more land. The 'lord' was vassal to the liege.
The idea is as follows: The role of feudatory in this case, by your 'lord', there is in any case not much difference between the two. But what is possibly useful option would be:
- You only men have a certain budget that you can manage through your Chamberlain. You can see what they spend, which they spend and you can use in their loan or make a donation.
- If you have only men who have a city you can see what the guild master of the city and its domains to find him and call him if necessary?
Thanks to Raul, who translated my text. If it's understandable then please tell me if you like it or not XD
Yes, player troops would be completely awesome.

I did however, vote for items since that's the only thing that this mod really lacks. With the big troop lines and different units this is almost a must to give them some personality.
But then we should be able to customize them ourselves. Like there's a certain budget that you can spend on troops equipment. I think some mod in the past already had this feature :grin:
Would that be possible? Cuz from my experience if you mess with the troops.txt you have to start a new game to get any effects, so ingame troop customization sounds a little far off...

Then again, I am THE NOOB at modding... I can't even add a fricking set of armour... damn letters... and numbers...
Adrius said:
Would that be possible? Cuz from my experience if you mess with the troops.txt you have to start a new game to get any effects, so ingame troop customization sounds a little far off...

Then again, I am THE NOOB at modding... I can't even add a fricking set of armour... damn letters... and numbers...
There are mods out there, which allow you to recruit customized troops. So yeah, it's possible.
Thanks to Raul, who translated my text. If it's understandable then please tell me if you like it or not XD

well i didn't translated by myself
as i said the google tool done it
my English is not that sucks
I think troops really need to be rebalanced.  There are way too many units now, with an awful lot of pointless upgrades on offer.  All the troop trees seem to be merging into a generic plate-armour-wearing-two-hander/pike-wielder too.

Quality over quantity and all that.

New bandits would be nice though, bit sick of the mercenaries. :razz:
I'd like to see caravans with 300+ strong troops.. but defending an enormous amount of wealth ^_^

and make kings/queens have special units with them.. like "king's guard" just like 10 of them.. but stronger than dark knight masters.
The last suggestion should apply to the player, but instead of ten, you have them based of leadership and charisma. Each faction upgrade tree could have a different one... or they could all be uber heavy cav like TW.
daumor said:
The last suggestion should apply to the player, but instead of ten, you have them based of leadership and charisma. Each faction upgrade tree could have a different one... or they could all be uber heavy cav like TW.

good idea.
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