What do you miss?

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What do you miss from the versions before 1.xx

I persoanlly miss Zendar the most...

-River Pirates-
-Town Crier in Zendar-
-Trainer in Zendar-
-the old arena-
-Being able to shoot people with stuff in zendar-

What do you miss?
Nord Champions.

Target practice in Zendar. Wind up, point, and then talk to them. THWACK urrrk thud, and they're dead but still talking.

The old arena fights, and making payroll by wandering town to town and claiming prize money.
Skorpion said:
Nord Champions.

Target practice in Zendar. Wind up, point, and then talk to them. THWACK urrrk thud, and they're dead but still talking.

The old arena fights, and making payroll by wandering town to town and claiming prize money.
Well technically Champions are still ingame, but their in game display name got changed to Huscarl. But the ID is still champion, so...

Anyways, I think I miss the music more than anything. Shooting people in Zendar was fun too though.
I miss:

- Huge as parties of Swadian deserter crossbowman in like version 0.750 or whenever that was (a long time ago).
- Patrols, Warparties, scouts and prison trains.
- The most awesome party: rescued prisoners.
- Being able to gain ranks as a soldier through doing quests for the king.
- Neutral towns and places like Salt mine, Four Ways Inn and Zendar.
i miss:

- black knight party's
- refugee party's
- prisonertrain party's
- the saltmines.
and the good old days when it was just vaegir vs swadian.
if there where only 2 faction in v1.011 the forum would get very devided and racy about it
I miss hitting Dranton in the face with a javlin in Zendar... My Mount&Blade session would not be complete unless I hit Dranton in the face with a javlin...
Lt. of the tower said:
- Patrols, Warparties, scouts and prison trains.
Yeah, that. Also foragers and maybe something else as well. I really hate how all the parties of a kingdom are pretty much the same, unless you catch a lord shortly after he spawns he will soon gather an army very much like the armies of everybody else. With the old parties there was some diversity, foragers were only low-tier troops, scouts were only cavalry, and so on. You could pick your battles.

- Being able to gain ranks as a soldier through doing quests for the king.
Yep. The current mercenary contract is pretty much a crappier version of that. Personally I'd like to combine the two, since the whole "oh, I've never seen you in person but here, take this village" thing feels rather jarring to me. Better to first become an ordinary retainer and only after gaining the king's trust be granted a fief of your own.

- Neutral towns and places like Salt mine, Four Ways Inn and Zendar.
Oh yeah. The current Calradian landscape is barren to say the least. Yeah, sure, there's a ****ton of places, but they're all either a town or a village (or training grounds, where you never ever go). Some special locations would be nice. Inns, salt mines, outlying farms, hunter camps, bandit lairs, and so on and so forth.
i miss a "hold the line" order for my troops, especially the charging cavalary... but i guess it have never been there.
Units massing when given the hold position command. Much better than lining up for stopping cavalry charges.
I also miss cavalry at long range. Buggers keep moving out the way after I release the arrow.
And skimming shots overhilltops. I end up with arrows stuck in the air.
possum said:
i miss a "hold the line" order for my troops, especially the charging cavalary... but i guess it have never been there.
Ever play native expansion? It's got a decent formation command system. I miss it whenever I play any other version (and I'm too lazy to learn how to add it in myself).

Other than that, I also miss when the Nords were only one line of infantry where a lot of the Huscarls had bows. It was awesome. Now they've got that useless archer line that no one likes. When I play as Nords and want some archers now, I just get some Vaegirs. Ah well.
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