What do you mean no?

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I am tired of having an Empire and be the only one who does anything, and wish to have commands followed,
Knight Joayah: Well, Temeraire
Me: I need you to patrol around Bhulaban
Knight Joayah: I am afraid I can't do that


He should be addressing me as the Holy Spirit himself! and saying no to a request? he should be groveling and my feet, begging for every bone I throw at him.

another issues I have is when I enter the strategic map, and ask a lord to help me on some raids.


Knight Joayah is sieging Curaw

on my way over to help him, I receive this message,

Knight Joayah has been taken captive by the Vaegirs.

what is your relationship with him
i have a good relationsip with my lords
and they always listen
and use the tactical map its easier  :wink:
:BTW make sure u have a good relationship with your lords first before recruiting a new one
thats what i do
Knight Joayah is a bugged lord. Ever since I started playing SoD (version 3) he has always been full of problems.
People experinced a lot of lords relations going down when they switched fiefs (early V4) but for me only Knight Joayah and sometimes one other knight would lose 25 relation if I took their village away.
I simply did not give a fief to knight Joayah so instead he runs around trying fight enemies, but he is one of the weakest knights and almost always loses.

I am afraid I can't do that
That happens to me all the time with any lord. They usually say that when they are busy doing something else. Try waiting a little bit.
vonmistont said:
I suspect he is a traitor.
You know what that means? TAR AND FEATHERS.

Maybe there should be a tar and feathers law, or something to punish Knight Joayah? I always had this feeling that he was somehow connected to the evil Rhodoks, and that must be why he never helped destroy the Rhodoks!
Usually when they say "I am afraid I can't do that", just speak to them again and they'll say "I will do that"  (Works with me)
SoTAL said:
Why not make a new knight Joayah law? If you are known by the name Joayah, you a sentenced to be captured by the Vaegirs.  :grin:
Hilarious.  :lol:
SellSword said:
Usually when they say "I am afraid I can't do that", just speak to them again and they'll say "I will do that"  (Works with me)
SoTAL said:
Why not make a new knight Joayah law? If you are known by the name Joayah, you a sentenced to be captured by the Vaegirs.  :grin:
Hilarious.  :lol:

yes, but the point is that I am supposed to be the thing they can't say no to.

If I wanted to vomit in their bed while they were on missions, they couldn't complain, ( you would be a weird king though)
Temeraire said:
SellSword said:
Usually when they say "I am afraid I can't do that", just speak to them again and they'll say "I will do that"  (Works with me)
SoTAL said:
Why not make a new knight Joayah law? If you are known by the name Joayah, you a sentenced to be captured by the Vaegirs.  :grin:
Hilarious.  :lol:

yes, but the point is that I am supposed to be the thing they can't say no to.

If I wanted to vomit in their bed while they were on missions, they couldn't complain, ( you would be a weird king though)
The AI is extremely complicated to code, and at least so far no one has been able to manage to make the AI listen to the player. Hopefully this will be fixed in Warband.
besides if you make them listen to you ALL the time, it would mess up the AI thats NOT apart of your faction,
ex: you have own faction & at war with rhodoks and you tell one of their men to go fight some swadians so you can invade their castle easier
just kinda bugs it more...
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