What be on yer noggin?

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It's more of a link between 3, Black flag and Unity. And it was released in November on all other platforms. Just Ubisoft being it's usual pricky self to PC customers.

Cyborg Eastern European said:
You'd think someone with your preferences would run for the first rusty tugboat cargo hauler.
Gets boring quick when you have to play out all the witty Joss Whedon dialogue in your imagination.
SwadianJedi said:
So the next Assassin's Creed is available on Steam for Pre-Purchase. Wtf, didn't they just release the last one?
Seriously? How the hell is assassins creed still going? I barely played AC:3 just long enough to decide I hated it.
Teofish said:
Yeeeeah. That sounds like a lot of work to avoid PVP in a game I already don't have much interest in. :razz:
That didn't look too bad. Tiny though. I'm all about lugging around in massive space dreadnoughts delivering broadsides. And as I understood it that takes an absolutely perverse amount of time and work to achieve in EVE.

A lot of work? Nah. You start in High Sec, and that's where the majority of missions you'll get are. You only ever need to go into Low Sec (<0.5) or Null Sec(0.0) if you are a) passing through to get to other High Sec and b) want to explore and stuff. So chances are, it's less effort to stay in High Sec than it is to actually leave.  :razz:

Not tiny, just looks it. Fairly medium sized... 338m, if the size chart is anything to go by. It is a pirate ship, after all. But yes, it does take a while to get anything particularly large.

Teofish said:
Cyborg Eastern European said:
You'd think someone with your preferences would run for the first rusty tugboat cargo hauler.
Gets boring quick when you have to play out all the witty Joss Whedon dialogue in your imagination.

That's why you get friends to do it with you!
Vraelomon said:
Seriously? How the hell is assassins creed still going? I barely played AC:3 just long enough to decide I hated it.

From what I've heard, AC:3 was the worst of the bunch anyways. As much as I rag on about them, I do enjoy the games.
Unity wasn't my cup of tea, to be honest, I must have played a quarter of the game and just stopped because the story just wasn't that exciting or the gameplay that good. Though I did play every other AC aside from it to the end in just a few sittings, I actually tend to like the story and gameplay.
Cyborg Eastern European said:
Implication was more you don't have him.
T'was a joke on the fact that my expressive style tends to use a lot of loan phrases from him.

Vieira said:
A lot of work? Nah. You start in High Sec, and that's where the majority of missions you'll get are. You only ever need to go into Low Sec (<0.5) or Null Sec(0.0) if you are a) passing through to get to other High Sec and b) want to explore and stuff. So chances are, it's less effort to stay in High Sec than it is to actually leave.  :razz:
It's been two or three years since I tried it. Can't remember too much of stuff like that.
You call that cold?
I'm at the hospital waiting room and there an annoying 5 years old kid running around touching everything and being highly obnoxious.
His mother is unable to contain him.
This gonna be a painful wait.
Strangle the kid and throw him into a container.
The mother can now contain the kid.
>be 5 year old kid
>living in Quebec
>Not wanting to break loose from oppressive Anglo-Canadian regime
>not humming glorious Quebec anthem
Someone brought that kid up right! No filthy separatist thoughts cloud the pure innocent mind of a child!

EDIT: Wait, ****. It was a French-Canadian patriotic poem.
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