What are your favorite or most effective weapons?

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I have had alot of fun with the Morningstar lately, once I discovered that it did piercing damage.  It can score some pretty big hits on armored guys when you're riding past them.

I've also been having fun with the repeater crossbow.  It has a reload speed of 12, which seems terrible, but you can get off several shots with it before it needs to reload.  It saves the points in power draw, at least.  Actually it saves you points in Horse Archery too since you can't use it while riding anyway.
Balanced Jeweled sword - huge damage, long and fast , 1 or two handed (both). Otherwise, that nord berzekers axe is fine too. (I do use shield, however in middle of fighting, it stays on my back and twohanded does its job.
For pure purpose a Masterworks claymore is my favoured, 120/125 speed & reach with 68 swing damage is brutal on horseback and on foot during sieges.  The throwing axes though are just great fun to lob into large packs of angry bandits, the sounds and reactions that come out of them as you do this while circling is priceless.
The new twohanded/onehanded morningstar is pretty badass :grin:

I noticed it in the troop editor so I just added it to the player's starting list of weapons to try it, it's called Skullcrusher :twisted:
I've played for a long time with a bow and a voulge but since i noticed that a thrown spear is a one hit kill i use them and a balanced halberd :smile:

Ah and a few questions:
- are there larg bags with balanced throwing spears?
- is there any polearm bettern than a halberd? any special weapon to loot from king/queen?
€: Found one with the troop editor, now i know who to kill  :mrgreen:
The axe that Ragnar gives you. It's awesome, like being Slaine or something.

I wasn't too impressed with the jeweled sword, to be honest, but maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance. Since I got the axe I haven't used anything else.
Slaine! Nice, is he still around these days?

I've taken the ivory bow for granted; I didn't realise how much till I foolishly lost it in a siege and had to go back to a wildly inaccurate yew bow...so the ivory bow.

All the other weapons, you can cope without.

Adrius said:
The new twohanded/onehanded morningstar is pretty badass :grin:

I noticed it in the troop editor so I just added it to the player's starting list of weapons to try it, it's called Skullcrusher :twisted:

Dam I saw that yesterday!  It's what the High...major...prince guy of the Vaegirs has!  Wondered how he was thrusting with a morning star. :razz:
Two handed Warhammer. Rhodok Crossbow (67p/15sp speed compared to the arablasts 100p/45sp) Steel Bolts (Large bag) and Tower Shield

Blunt in this games effectiveness REALLY needs to be lowered >.< Whats funny is Thwapping someone on the head in this mod with a spear shaft is far more deadly then stabbing them XD
Josef_the_Pretender said:
Slaine! Nice, is he still around these days?

I've taken the ivory bow for granted; I didn't realise how much till I foolishly lost it in a siege and had to go back to a wildly inaccurate yew bow...so the ivory bow.

All the other weapons, you can cope without.
I know what you mean, I'd die without my Ivory Bow!  I suppose the morning star is effective against the dark knights, if it wasn't so slow, oh well I shield bash anyway.
I personally favour the masterwork longsword, masterwork heavy lance, masterwork great sword, reinforced heater shield, masterwork plate armour, charger approach to my enemies.
Merc, do you use both a long sword and a great sword in the same battle? I guess I could see why, but i much prefer the flexibility of more varied equipment. :smile:
I preffer Ivory bow for long-distance fighting, long axe for close encounters and sometimes morningstar to do the dirty job :twisted:
Thick lordly plate, plated greaves, gauntlets and reinforced knight helm. Riding with heavy charger and using knight's lance, tempered claymore and reinforced heavy heater shield in combat. Oh, and he's level 32. I havent yet encountered anyone I couldn't beat.
Argos said:
Merc, do you use both a long sword and a great sword in the same battle? I guess I could see why, but i much prefer the flexibility of more varied equipment. :smile:

I sometimes replace the lance with a set of throwing knives. I use the great sword against more heavily armoured opponents and the longsword with my shield.

Generally, I hit them head on with my lance, draw the longsword, chop up their riders, get dismounted, and charge their archers. In the event that I encounter a high-tier, I pull the great sword (there will be more of these in the future) and chop them up.
I really like the Claymore I looted off someone in a fight with the Nords. It can be used with one hand or two, does amazing damage, and is pretty fast. Tears through enemies like a hot knife through butter.
I've been using that skullcrusher, for something with 60+ damage, it doesn't seem to work too well. :razz:

Also are there dark gauntlets in the game?  I can't find any in the items.txt.
I've lately been using a lance/balanced halberd combo, with a Royal Ashwood bow for occasional sniping.  Since the halberd can't be used on horseback, I can switch rapidly back and forth between lance and bow while I'm mounted, and if I'm unhorsed the halberd usually lets me cut my way clear of the crowd.  For siege battles, I swap an extra quiver of arrows for the lance, since I generally provide counterbattery fire while my infantry charge into the scrum.  Depending on my economic situation and/or need to boost morale, the lance slot is filled either with a Balanced Jousting Lance or an Ashwood Pike. 

This approach also lets me concentrate on just Polearm and Archery proficiencies - although it turns out that can be a disadvantage in the tournaments....
The tournaments are the great equalizer.  You really need to be well balanced with all weapons to do well in them.  It is frustrating but also gives it more realism.  The worst is making it to the last fight and getting stuck with a bow when your opponent has a sword and shield.

At the moment for me I am using a Jeweled Sword but I forget which bow.  I only get to play about once a week.
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