What are the configure options in module.ini?

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Always "guess" the configure option in module.ini, or check the options in other module

Hope can provide a list which including full configure options in module.ini

Another thing, the terrain editor ui always can't be translated because we don't know these string ID, hope anyone can provide terrain editor ui string IDs so that we can translate into other language.
Just saw this question again, forgot to answer it. These here should contain pretty much all settings (modified for my own mod of course). I removed all the load_resource and load_mod_resource.

module_name = module_name
compatible_with_warband = 1
compatible_multiplayer_version_no = 1170

supports_directx_7 = 1
use_case_insensitive_mesh_searches = 0

num_hints = 12

auto_create_note_indices = 0 #Do not automatically search through all troops/factions/towns to check if they have note text.

map_min_x = -180
map_max_x = 180
map_min_y = -145
map_max_y = 145
map_sea_direction = -40 #wave foam direction
map_sea_wave_rotation = 300 #This is where the tear artefact is visible on the sea.
map_sea_speed_x = 0.02
map_sea_speed_y =...
Just saw this question again, forgot to answer it. These here should contain pretty much all settings (modified for my own mod of course). I removed all the load_resource and load_mod_resource.

module_name = module_name
compatible_with_warband = 1
compatible_multiplayer_version_no = 1170

supports_directx_7 = 1
use_case_insensitive_mesh_searches = 0

num_hints = 12

auto_create_note_indices = 0 #Do not automatically search through all troops/factions/towns to check if they have note text.

map_min_x = -180
map_max_x = 180
map_min_y = -145
map_max_y = 145
map_sea_direction = -40 #wave foam direction
map_sea_wave_rotation = 300 #This is where the tear artefact is visible on the sea.
map_sea_speed_x = 0.02
map_sea_speed_y = -0.02
map_river_direction = 140
map_river_speed_x = 0.005
map_river_speed_y = -0.005

air_friction_arrow = 0.002
air_friction_bullet = 0.002

# use meshes map_tree_a through map_tree_r on for map trees
map_tree_types = 17
map_snow_tree_types = 3
map_steppe_tree_types = 5
map_desert_tree_types = 4

#main_menu_font_color_red = 17
#main_menu_font_color_green = 0
#main_menu_font_color_blue = 0
map_max_distance = 175.0
has_tutorial = 1

time_multiplier = 0.25
seeing_range = 6.5
track_spotting_multiplier = 0.8
blood_multiplier = 6.0

# heroes with health below this will not appear in battles and will not contribute to party skills.
player_wounded_treshold = 5
hero_wounded_treshold = 15

skill_prisoner_management_bonus = 5
skill_leadership_bonus = 3
base_companion_limit = 20

player_xp_multiplier = 2.0
hero_xp_multiplier = 2.0
regulars_xp_multiplier = 3.0

display_wp_firearms = 0
#display_wp_crossbows = 0

##mod Changes (VC)
reduce_texture_loader_memory_usage = 1 # this should improve loading time by making it multithread
use_texture_degration_cache = 0 #improve loading times but generate chache files.
use_scene_unloading = 1
auto_compute_party_radius = 1 #helps space, select if mod has large icons
disable_disband_on_terrain_type = 0
disable_force_leaving_conversations = 1 #no TAB end in conversations.
maximum_number_of_notification_messages = 4 #msg in battle. Common 10
ai_decide_direction_according_to_damage = 1
far_plane_distance = 10000 #Default is 1250 cm
consider_weapon_length_for_weapon_quality = 1 #weapon selection
has_singleplayer = 0
has_multiplayer = 1
can_run_faster_with_skills = 1 # should agility/skill affect running speed
can_crouch = 1
show_troop_upgrades_button = 1
battle_size_min = 90
battle_size_max = 360
can_objects_make_sound = 0
disable_zoom = 0
use_advanced_formation = 1
use_crossbow_as_firearm = 0
can_reload_while_moving = 0
use_phased_reload = 0
horses_try_running_away = 0
horses_rear_with_attack = 1
lance_pike_effect_speed = 3.0
no_friendly_fire_for_bots = 0
can_adjust_camera_distance = 1
sync_ragdoll_effects = 0
has_forced_particles = 0
can_use_scene_props_in_single_player = 0
disable_attack_while_jumping = 1
disable_high_hdr = 0
has_accessories_for_female = 0
restrict_attacks_more_in_multiplayer = 0
##mod end

########this section modified for Realistic Combat Model

# damage below this will not interrupt melee attacks
damage_interrupt_attack_threshold = 1.0 #3.0
# CC: Was 0, changed to 1 as it causes problems with cavalry.

# Same thing for multiplayer
damage_interrupt_attack_threshold_mp = 1.0

# No extra penetration flags are set, so keep them ineffective
extra_penetration_factor_soak = 1.0
extra_penetration_factor_reduction = 1.0

# You can modify the damage system by editing the following values:
# The first three values determine the amount which will be directly subtracted from damage due to armor.
# The next three values determine the percentage reduction from the damage.

armor_soak_factor_against_cut = 1.0 #0.8
armor_soak_factor_against_pierce = 0.5 #0.65
armor_soak_factor_against_blunt = 0.5

armor_reduction_factor_against_cut = 0 #1.0
armor_reduction_factor_against_pierce = 0 #0.5
armor_reduction_factor_against_blunt = 0 #0.75

horse_charge_damage_multiplier = 1.0
couched_lance_damage_multiplier = 0.6 #0.65
fall_damage_multiplier = 1.0

#missiles with damage > shield_penetration_offset + shield_penetration_factor * shield
#will penetrate.

shield_penetration_offset = 0.0 #30.0
shield_penetration_factor = 2.0 #3.0

#setting speed_power to 2.0 makes damage scale with the square of missile's speed.
# you can set it to 1.0 to make it scale linearly as it was before.
missile_damage_speed_power = 1.0 #1.9
melee_damage_speed_power = 0.5 #2.0
#########end RCM modifications

multiplayer_walk_enabled = 0
mission_object_prune_time = 180

#change this to 0 if you want to keep the food slot in inventory window.
disable_food_slot = 1

# Change this to 1 if you want to load
# textures from Modules/<Module_Dir>/Textures/

scan_module_textures = 1
scan_module_sounds = 1

#edit mode should be enabled
#give_performance_warnings = 1

#works_with_version_min = 1000 #deprecated, use module_version and compatible_savegame_module_version instead
#works_with_version_max = 1011 #deprecated, use module_version and compatible_savegame_module_version instead

#module_version = 0 #can be used for multiplayer and single player (saved game) module versioning
#compatible_module_version = 0 #can be used for multiplayer module versioning
#compatible_savegame_module_version = 0 #can be used for single player (saved game) module versioning

enable_quick_battles = 1

#in TLD (Hokie) had to switch limit_hair_colors from 1 to 0 since new skins were added
limit_hair_colors = 1
show_faction_color = 1
show_quest_notes = 1
dont_load_regular_troop_inventories = 1

#assign '1' for moveable physics on all scene props; no sokf_moveable flag will be needed
disable_moveable_flag_optimization = 0

#You can change the following to 1 for ease in module development
show_party_ids_instead_of_names = 0
crush_through_treshold = 2.4
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