What about the nobleman??

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With the quest to capture the nobleman...ive come to fight his party late a couple times and alot of the time found some other party fighting them...

now whats the deal with that, if they capture the nobleman, is it possible just to fail the mission and then fight that party and recruit the nobleman?
Itd be a challenge, but itd be a new aim in my game, to get a few noblemen in my party :lol:
and also to find out what the upgrades for this guy is...
No, you should look for war parties that have dark hunters or sea raiders if you want to buff up your gang. The nobleman is a weakling, and he can't join you anyway.
oh ok, thats what i wanted to know :lol: because i saw some war parties beating the crap out of the noblemans party once and just wondered... and also about any upgrades he had, if any :wink:

That was about it, it wasnt about buffing up my party, i have a few dark knights, dark hunters and hired blades :grin:
The nobleman is just a puffed up caravan master. And those you can rescue. Not really worth that much, but you can have them.
try downloading the unofficial editor and taking a look at all of the unit types that are not currently in the game, then add them into some upgrade trees and play with units much more fun than the standard ones.
I was so 'lucky' to get him once then get jumped by a faster and stronger Dark Hunter party. Got beat up, lost my army and the nobleman and half his escort joined the Darkies (well I had run around with a Jousting Lance and captured them, Nobleman, 11 Knights and 3 Horsemen).

Now he is basically impossible to get, and nearly as impossible to kill (to get a new mission) as he almost always pops up in the last reinforcement. Yey! 25 Dark Knights, 20 Dark Hunters, 11 Vaegir Knights and 3 Horsemen... I have stayed clear of it, and it has since grown by defeating Swadian parties and releasing Vaegir prisoners. While its own prisoners now number around 80 of which only some 20 are peasants and the like.

GAH! It is turning out to be a nasty enemy.
At this point I kind of wish the nobleman was immortal, like the named NPCs that join your party. He dies way too often when my knights go charging in and I can't separate him off from the main group to knock unconscious.

It might be funny to have him captured by an enemy party and then attack them to actually recruit him instead of taking him prisoner. No real point to it, but it would be neat to try.
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