what about hunting and fishing ??? :p

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I think it would be a good idea if we could hunt some deer or others animals on the map ( maybe in the M and B 2 :wink: ) fishing will be more difficult, but why not ? :smile:
A few ideas for the hunting ---

It could be like battles, except you're fighting animals and not people. The animals, unless they're like bears or puma/cougar/mountain lions, would not be hostile. Meaning they would simply wander about until you attacked them. You would encounter them on the world map, and go in to the battle. Killing them would allow you to take food from them, and knocking them out would do the same thing, because how can you haul an untame mountain lion around? With a rope tied to him and a chair, to keep him from mauling you? Anyways... The game (as animals you hunt are called) would roam around, eating grass or w/e, drinking from rivers and whatnot... while you stalked them, waiting for the perfect time to strike. They would not have defenses or anything, but they would be faster than you, so they could escape.

An idea for fishing ---

Won't work.
Fishing is the dullest, most boring thing imaginable. We don't need it in this game, just perhaps some fishermen around Wercheg's docks which you can make conversation with.

Hunting would be a neat pastime, especially around the forests near rivacheg and praven. You could also have different types of meat; Wild boar, venison, rabbit, monkey, to name a few. All of which affect the morale to an extent.
Some animals should act hostile when attacked, like boar for example.
Certain meats could be rare delicacies, which you could sell for neat quantities of money. Obviously, these would be much harder to find and harder to kill.
Danath said:
How many animals do you need to hunt to feed 54 soldiers? :razz:
You're forgetting that those 54 soldiers can hunt, too. Actually, though, that does bring up an interesting question . . . how much food is one item? Enough to feed fifty people for a day? That's a lot of food . . .

I think a Kniggit is approaching this thread...

Why should i?? :wink: You already know im for hunting, fishing, meh, i dont think i like the idea of sitting there waiting for a few minutes to catch a few fish, id rather be shooting deer, or chasing it with nothin but a dagger (more speed)

Ian :lol:
I fail to see why fishing has to be boring?... Sure, if you have a system like on FATE it'd be boring as hell. Or most fishing games for that matter. But have any of you played Breath of Fire 3? I love the fishing system on that game, i actually had more fun with that mini-game than the game itself, even though i generally hate fishing games. So it could be done well, and add a really fun mini-game. Heck, what was one of the things that made FF7 so great? Gold Saucer!!! Anyway, i think that mini-games are always a good idea, just anything that deviates from the general mode of play to give some extra variety. Oh, and hunting would be awesome as well of course!
What about other food sources? Raising grain for example?

First, you would have to soften the soil with a rake (doing overhead swing with rake 1000 times). Then, you would have to get 10 bags of grain and sow it. Then you would have to stop by each week and root out the weeds. Also, you would have to shoot sparrows or hire mercs to do it.

After half a year, you would have to reap the harvest with scythe, thrash it with flail, obtaining 500 bags of grain in the process. Sounds like fun!
You do infact carry around a lot of food. Forty pounds for each piece of meat. Fourty pounds is indeed quite a lot of meat, you could feed up to three texans on that meat.

I'll have to time how long it takes for my 69 size army to go through one piece of meat, see how realistic it is.

By the way, i fail to see how fishing in a game is any fun, since fishing in real life is as boring as an accountancy lecture.
For sure fishing may be more difficult, but hunting animals in fight areas would be a good idea ! it's not realistic if one animal can feed 50 person, but when you buy a fish ( icon ) it could feed 50 person :p and i don't think that the hero bring 50 fish in his bag ( beaaaaahhh :sad: ) so there is no problem I think .
I've just checked it out. One unit, or 20 kilos of meats lasts 18 hours with a party of 69. (i'm not sure if the 14 prisoners also factor in or not.) That means every 24 hours, a soldier can expect 390 grams of meat a day. That is roughly a pound of meat, or about 4 lamb chops. Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
Nairagorn said:
Hunting? Maybe. Fishing? Probably not.

Did you ever play Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

Fishing in that game was nearly as fun as playing the actual game.

Something similar I would love.
Fishing from shore/in a river, being able to see the fish.

I suppose it could be something like attacking troops, only you get a window showing there's fish, and asking if you want to fish here or not.
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