Westres_EU_Siege opens its gates again

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Greetings to anyone who bothers to read this.

Westres_EU_Siege is going to open once again today at 18:00 / 6 pm CET.
I have already spammed all my Steam friends to come and spam others to come, but if anyone notices the message here, then they shall come as well.

But the real reason why I'm posting this is that in order to keep the server running, we need players. So if anyone would please bother to spend some minutes or hours of his days playing on Westres Siege, it would be really awesome and everyone would be thanked for.

The WFaS Siege Community was a much larger entity than the clan community, but sadly it vanished when Westre took off his server more than a whole year ago. I could get more than 200 people to join my siege event last year, so it is also possible for as many people to join Westres Siege regularly.

So please guys, just play the game. It might not be as brutal as CS:GO and it might not have as many players as Warband, but it is worth playing for sure. The server, and the whole game since the developers forgot about it, is supported by the players.

Help us believe and endure by showing your support.

Kind regards,

Marth The Gryphonhearted
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